4 Evangline

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Patching up my knees for the sixth time today I look at my little sister who was waiting for me at the door.

She had a cute little purple dress on to match me and she also had a black kitty backpack with a whistle her baby ID and a flip phone.

I giggle at that remembering how my parents argued for an hour about how children shouldn't have phones.

They both compromised on a flip phone. It was hello kitty-themed and had all of the family's numbers on it.

Getting up I walk over."Come on squirt I heard the Avengers go to the park we go to." I teased.

My little sister lit up at the name before bolting out the door to my car. I sigh and go to my black Ferrari.

It's the only car I owned and I got it when I graduated high school a few years early. Rolling my eyes I sigh.

Then I start the car."You buckled up pipsqueak?" I ask looking behind me to my sister's car seat.

She nodded as I smirked before flipping my sunglasses down."Hold on tight." I said before blasting Disney and backing out before shooting off.

It was early morning so most people have already gone to work so the streets were relatively clear.

I was actually going slower than usual because my sister was in the car. Stopping at the Park I get out and go unbuckle her.

Picking her up I beam at the little girl. She was so cute. Carmel skin and fluffy brown hair that poofed out cause mom refused to use hair products.

Rolling my eyes I bounced her."Look there's Avengers tower." I pointed to the large building.

Her eyes lit up."You think they're gonna be here today?" She asked. I looked at her and smiled."Who knows maybe they are busy people after all."

I laugh as I walk down the pathway to a nice bench under a tree. Taking out the blanket I put It out on the grass.

My sister sits on it and started to color. Sitting across from her I look at the page. It was princess and the frog.

Smirking I scooped her up and threw her in the sky." Look how she lights up the sky!" I yelled laughing. She giggled as she came down.

"My belle Evangeline. So far above me but I know her heart belongs to only me!" I say twirling her around.

She laughed as I danced with her. "Je t'adore, Je t'aime Evangeline," I say loudly as I hold her up and smile.

"You're my queen of the night
So still So bright." I said once again twirling her and tossing her a little.

"That someone as beautiful as she
Could love someone like me." I say putting her down.

She giggled and took my hands. We danced and I twirled her."Love always finds a way it's true! And I love you, Evangeline"

We both giggled as I twirled and pretended to dip her. "Love is beautiful. Love is wonderful! Love is everything, do you agree? Mais oui!"

Finally, we tired out and lay on the grass. Both still full of giggles."Look how she lights up the sky. I love you, Evangeline."

Closing my eyes I smile and look over at my little sister."Come on let's color." I say flipping onto my stomach and grabbing a crayon.

That's when I felt it. A pull but this time it was stronger.

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