35 Backstory

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"What do you mean?" Bruce asked. I felt my anger rise. Lifting my shirt I show them my number.

"Science experiment 0 supposedly I was failed it didn't work. I only found out this morning I was healing faster. The shield was my protective instinct."

I say pulling it down. Natasha looked at me distrust in her eyes."You mentioned Red Room." I chuckled.

"I was a Widow they took me when I was 1 I stayed there until I was 6," I say before pacing.

"You weren't gonna tell us?" Clint questioned."I barely remember any of it! I still have nightmares."

I say stressed. Natasha seemed confused."Fury found me for my parents and to stop me from being traumatized he wiped me clean."

I explain before sitting on the floor. Then I rub my temples."I didn't want to tell you cause I didn't trust myself I didn't know myself."

I say before feeling my heart start to calm. "I want to be normal I told him I'd never fight I couldn't."

Natasha came over and sat next to me."Did they?" I looked at my hands."Yes." I say barely above a whisper.

She hugged me tightly. "Im sorry Princess so sorry." The Russian made me melt into her arms.

Tears ran down my cheeks but only for a small amount of time."It's okay im better now but I never could fight again."

I say looking at her."Im dangerous and indestructible." Natasha leans back and grabs my face."You in a room full of killers sweetie were not ones to judge."

I smirk."So you think I'll look cute in a nurse outfit?" Natasha simply chuckled."I'd love a private nurse but I don't think I would be able to keep my hands off of you long enough to let you fix me up."

I smirk. And lean in."I only need to touch you so I don't think it will be a problem." The woman looked at me.

A challenge. I always did love those. Giggling I licked my lips. Then my face changed. My body slanted as I released a few dominant pheromones.

We stayed like that for at least a minute before I put my hands up."I relent but I do have to admit if I wanted to I could." I say getting up and stretching.

"Sure." She said. I giggled."Im past that life now my whore stage is over." I say then my phone rang.

I groaned."But my best friend is not sadly." I mutter before answering."Oh, the best person in the world light of my life what can I do for you."

I ask. I just left her on speaker so I could fix myself something to eat."Come be a whore with me please im lonely!"

I chuckle."I told you-" "Those days are over bla bla bla but like I know your a lie come onnnnn."

I groan."No, no double no. The last time we went out I had to pick you up blackout drunk and redress you cause you got hot in the middle of a karaoke bar."

I say sighing. I just hear her cackle.

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