5 Caught In 4k

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I looked around the Park not knowing where it was coming from. Then I sighed. Must be my imagination.

"Come on Evangeline it's getting later and I promised to take you to olive garden," I said packing up.

Eva pouted."But Bee~ we've only been here to like two hours and I wanna play on the jungle gym."

She complained. I sighed. Then I packed our things."How about this I pay for you to have the tablet at Olive Garden."

I say looking at the little girl who was close to throwing a fit. Then her face lit up."Deal!" She yelled jumping into my arms.

I chuckled and carried her to the car before looking around again. Weird. Putting her in I let her put on her seat belts.

Then I put the blanket next to me and I start my car. Just as I did I felt a stronger pull. Looking around I notice a car at a stoplight.

It was drawing me to it. Well looks like im out of luck. Cause im, not a crazy stalker. Pulling out and go my separate way from the car.

A little sad but I was also hungry. Hungry trumps sad. Pulling into the Olive Garden I park and I get out to unbuckle my sister.

Grabbing her I close the door behind us and then I go to walk inside. That's when I felt it again.

'What the hell?' Did they teleport cause I swear they drove a different way? Looking at my sister I smile.

"Im ready for some breadsticks I don't know about you." My sister cheered as we walked inside and I stood at the till.

"Reservation under Mamore," I say holding Evas' hand. The woman looks at me and gushed.

"Your part of the Mamore family!" I sighed."Can you please keep your voice down I just wanna enjoy the evening with my sister."

I say annoyed. The waitress nods and leads us to the room I booked. It was just the corner booth but it was shielded from everyone.

I didn't like that my sister was already so exposed to fame."Order on the tablet Eva please."

I say before looking at my phone.

Bee: Ya know since im of legal age I will proudly call this woman Mommy any day of the week

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Bee: Ya know since im of legal age I will proudly call this woman Mommy any day of the week.

User990:Your down bad



User080:Shes giving Top Energy

Bee: Hey id let her bend me over👀

User902:Caught in 4k 📷

TheNatasha Liked this Post
I giggled at my phone before looking up at my sister who was playing games on the tablet."Did you order?"

She nodded. I smiled and noticed a waiter coming over."Hello here is the chocolate milk your ordered and the strawberry lemonade fizz non alcoholic."

I smile."Thanks a bunch my sister already ordered on the tablet but I would also like infinite breadsticks and salad."

I say looking at him. He nods his face a red hue."Of course the breadsticks will be out it in a minute."

Giggling at his behaviour I fan my face from the redness. I can't believe she's found my post again.

I bit my lip. Scandalous.

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