34 Fuck Me

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After stashing the box I walked downstairs. I could taste the pheromones. Oh my God. Everyone seemed to be talking about the mission.

I could feel my bruised knuckles. Walking in I then saw a text on my phone.

'You should tell them.' My dad sent that and I froze. Could I? Then my palms sparked again. I started getting agitated.

Then I saw it. My knuckles heal. I blink. "Fuck." I mutter turning my back. Then I felt it. My head snapped to the side.

Before I could blink my palms sparked to life making a shield. It was a bullet. My soulmates looked at my eyes wide.

Then I looked at my palms. Backing away I felt it. The rush.

"She is failed a failure! My work down the drain!"

Looking over I see a man I've never seen before. Backing up I run to the only safe place I knew.

My room. When I got there I went to my post and grabbed the black box from the top. Taking it I pull out my black gun.

Cocking it I make sure the safety is off. Then I walk downstairs. I tucked it behind me. "Who.Are.You?" I questioned.

The man looked a me. Then he shot several bullets. I dodged and ran up the wall before twisting and doing more bullets.

"I could ask you the same question." Taking out my gun I aim it at him."You know how to use that little girl?"

I shoot it an inch from his head. He put his hands up."Put it down." I command. He dropped it.

But I didn't trust him. Closing my eyes I felt it. Four in the Elevator. Opening my eyes I ran my hand through my hair.

"So what is it Shield Red Room Hydra?" I question. The man crossed his arms."Director Fury."

I started to feel a headache.
"Take her quickly we need her out."

Then I tilt my head."You pulled me out." I say before glaring."Why bother me now? You know im not that person anymore."

I say. He smirked."But you are and you always will be. I just wanted to make sure you were on the right side."

I cocked my gun."Leave before I actually shoot you." He put his hands up."If you ever change your mind."

I gestured to the elevator with my gun. He walked over."Have a nice day 0." He then left for the elevator.

I put my safety on and angrily stormed upstairs. Throwing my gun on my nightstand I look in the mirror.

My eyes were glowing. "Fuck." I mutter. I needed something to eat then calm down. But I couldn't help but be angry.

Walking downstairs I go into the kitchen and I grab a bottle of water. Chugging it I walk into the living room.

"So your with shield?" I questioned my palms sparking. Tony crossed his arms."Your a mutant?"

I sighed."Wasn't supposed to be."

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