Chapter 25

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Baekhyun P.O.V

I was working when eomma called me.

"Ne eomma?"

"Baekhyun-ah, I want you to do a work for me."

"What happened eomma?"

"Let's all go out together, with the Bae's tonight. We'll go to the amusement park." she had so much excitement in her voice that it made my heart melt. It was unimaginable for me to deny her, in this manner I concurred.

"And yes, before I forget, bring your hyungs, and Tae, with his hyungs and team and Taeyeon with her sister, and her friends." I frowned.

"Eomma, what are you going to do with so many people and that too for the amusement park?"

"I'm going to rent it!" she said in a cheerful voice and I was now sure what made my cold-hearted father's heart melt. It was beyond the realm of possibilities to expect to not fall head over heels for my mom. I laughed and gestured.

Taeyong P.O.V

I was in my office discussing with Johnny about the slums that were ruined by the government. Of course, it was the SKNS's work. We were discussing when I got a call from eomma.

"Yes eomma?"

"Yongie-ah~" I grinned realizing there was something she needed from me.

"Ne eomma~" I said in a similar tone and she chuckled.

"I talked to Baekhyun and he's bringing his hyungs & Taeyeon with him. You bring your friends, Sooyoung and her friends. I'll send the address in the evening."


"I love you. See you in the evening!"

I sighed and shook my head. She was never going to change. Adorably stubborn as ever.

"Your mother is literally the cutest." said Johnny with a smile.

"Tell me about it."

Sohee P.O.V

"Okay, so you're telling us that you went to the newbie's room and talked to them. Then they talked to you too. And at last they asked you to be your Teacher!?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes Sohee. And I decided that I would----"

"Are you for real?" asked Jihun unnie.

"What if we get caught by the organization? Or even worse, the DON? He's around the bend nowadays, he's wandering around like an apparition in the central command." Jihun unnie raised her voice.

"I know Jihun yet we can't be separated from everyone else now. Not any longer when the association is arranging something exceptionally huge. The association gave us a mission to cut down NCT, asked help from DAY6 , and afterward the DON around the bend. What, do you think everything is an occurrence? You think the organization brings down a group because they help people? Do you think the organization would bring a mafia group who has literally no history for finding a group that rules the underworld? Do you think the higher ups didn't call the DON? It's all a plan Jihun. It's all intentional. We as a whole will be abandoned one day or the other. On the off chance that you're believing it's an ideal opportunity to be seniors and be haughty with regards to it, I'll gladly slap you to bring you back to your senses. It's an ideal opportunity to prepare the individuals who are faithful to the nation and truly need to assist the country unlike some corrupt people. Remember Jihun, corrupt people have a hard time in an honest environment, and an honest person has a tough time in a corrupt environment. You all decide what environment you all want to make." said Sooyoung unnie and then left. After a few minutes when unnie returned Jihun unnie apologized and we all hugged.

"I was okay with it earlier but something in me snapped out of fear when I realized the DON was here. I'm sorry for overreacting. " said Jihun unnie.

"That's okay." said Sooyoung unnie.

"We have to change the environment and start taking steps. The first one being- finding out about DAY6." I said.

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