Chapter 60

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Sooyoung's Father P.O.V

I had been shocked to the core after knowing who the DON was. It wasn't intentional to walk in his room, and now I know he won't stop looking for me. As soon as I entered my house, I saw the sight that made me want to rip off heads like an animal. Taeyeon was sitting with her hands tied but Sooyoung was still fighting, yet getting punched. She couldn't fight 20 people all alone, and that too SKNS trained people. As soon as they noticed my presence, I heard a deep chuckle. 

"Jeongin, you did a great mistake today. Now, You have two choices...." he stood up and went towards Taeyeon " either I take her with me?" 

"Don't you dare touch her!" I yelled and he laughed again. That maniac, cold, and creepy laugh of his.

"Or..." this time he went towards Sooyoung. who was bathed in blood " I kill her, right in front of you?" My heart stopped. No, please no. Let this be a dream. 

"No no no no you can't make  me choose between my own daughters." I said and he nodded mockingly. 

"Yes I can. Choose quick Bae. The time is running. Tik tok tik tok tik tok...." and he suddenly rose his gun and pointed it towards Sooyoung. 

"This girl is a nuisance. She was hardly letting us in. So I'll... kill her first." he said and I rushed towards her, protecting her and BANG! Everything started getting black and I slowly fell down and collapsed.

Sooyoung P.O.V

"APPA!" The word came from my mouth, in a high voice and I rushed towards him with my wobbly feet.

"No appa, you can't leave us. You promised appa. You promised you won't leave us like Eomma. Appa wake up!" I cried endlessly, not realizing those men going out.

"You all will die. I'll kill you by my own hands! You'll beg for your life! I'll finish you all. I'll get my revenge." 

Gasp! I woke up from my nightmare. I didn't realize those tears falling from my eyes. Vengeance. The thing that I desired for. Revenge for my mother and my father. I wiped those tears and saw the time from my phone. Ten in the morning? I stood up abruptly, rushing towards the bathroom and getting ready for the day.

[After 3 hours]

I was getting continuous calls from Baekhyun. At last, I sighed irritated and picked the phone. 

"What is it?" 

"Sooyoung, Taeyeon. She got into an accident, and then, and then, she was reported missing. She left 3 hours prior." My world shattered and it felt like time stopped. Unnie was in danger. 

"Girls!" they came in a rush " listen carefully, unnie got in an accident and is now missing. F-find her." my voice cracked in the last, yet I payed no mind to it. Gosh, unnie please stay safe. I don't wanna lose you too.

Taeyeon P.O.V

My eyes opened slightly. Everything looked blurry and I blinked my eyes to zoom in the surroundings. My body ached so bad. I groaned when I tried to move.

"There there kitty, don't move" came a voice, though looked innocent, it wasn't. It seemed as if it had another mask behind it, another person, who was not normal. Who was MAD. 

"Leave me" I said, trying to act brave, yet to no avail.

"Why?" came another voice. It sent shivers down my spine. It was the voice of a woman. It was her shadow till I saw her face, though the room was dim-lighted. Jiha's mother? I had known her since her daughter's murder had become a famous case in the SKNS.

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