Chapter 52

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Sooyoung P.O.V

I remembered the words that I communicated with to Bangchan, yesterday. I was working while my phone kept pinging. At last, I sighed in irritation and saw who it was, and as expected, it was unnie.



"Yongie, where are you?"

"Baekhyun called me at a really weird location and asked me to meet him at 8p.m. I'm just informing you, okay?"


"Yes unnie, I understand." I sighed in curiosity. What address must he have send her for her to doubt him? 

"Send me the address." I texted her and she seemed to oblige without arguing, for the first time. I frowned my eyebrows and tracked where the location was. I saw it was a huge park, yet private. It was last used by the general public 19 years ago. It was said that the owner had died and the park was hence made private to restore their memories. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I'll follow her but that'll look creepy. So I did the only option I was left with. I called Baekhyun. 

"Yes? Sooyoung?" 

"Hmm. I'll come straight to the point. Tell me the occasion of you inviting unnie, with honesty at the garden, rather a private property, which I figured out was owned by your family. You tell it to me and I won't question you."

"Meet me at our mansion in a few minutes. It's important, ok?" I hummed and then cut the call. I took my coat and told the girls that I'll be leaving for the mansion. They nodded and I took a cab to the mansion. As soon as I reached there, I could see a a wave of brightness  and happiness of the people there. I frowned and went inside. As soon as I entered, all eyes were on me. I saw Taeyong coming down from the stairs and then his eyes met me. We stood still looking at each other for a few seconds when I broke the eye contact and searched for Baekhyun. When I saw him, I raised my eyebrows. 

"Sit down." I obliged and sat down.

"First of all, thank you for saving the wedding yesterday. If it weren't for your protocols, we wouldn't have realized in the celebration." 

"Mm-hm. The security was really high-tech and it wasn't letting anyone in, I saw. And you're welcome. Now, you know why I'm here for." he nodded and let out a shaky breath.

"S-so, Sooyoung, I need your blessings and your agreement for the next step of my life that I'll take with Taeyeon. I'm deciding to propose her today." I froze. For nearly a minute. I could see everybody around me tensing, especially Baekhyun. Several thoughts were running in my mind. What if she isn't happy? What if she dies in all of their chaos. What if he leaves her? And most importantly, she was gonna leave? Was she gonna leave me forever? However the answers came with the questions too. If she's unhappy, they can divorce. She won't die, I myself will make sure of it. If he leaves her, I'm gonna kill him by my own hands. And she wasn't gonna leave. She was just spreading her wings.  After a minute or two, I answered, considering all circumstances.

"Go for it."

"Huh?" he asked shocked.

"Why? You don't want to?" 

"No no no, I mean yes I want to. But getting that response from you was... unbelievable. 

"Don't fly Lee. If I ever see her cry, or you ever break her heart, or she ever gets injured because of your business, or you ever leave her heartbroken, ask god for having mercy on you because I won't." I said and stood up. He nodded with his bright eyes and I roamed my eyes around the house. There, everybody was happy.

"Seemed like everybody was tense just to hear me reply. V.I.P, aren't I?" I said and everybody laughed. I smiled back and left for office when I was called by Taeyong.

"Won't you be coming there?" he asked.

"I'll come only if you bring the two-faced family, oops, I mean the Son family. I'd love seeing their reaction to the proposal." I said and went away, not realizing that the family was shaking their heads, with a smile on their face amused with my answer. I arrived back at my office and I heard a ting just to see that Taeyong messaged me the address. His family must have bugged him to do it. I read it and let out a laugh. Oh, how time flies. The sister I handled after our father passed away and worked so hard for was gonna get proposed. I shook my head, not believing that I was being childish for getting teary. I told the girls and their eyes came out of the sockets.

"Unnie, what? You mean Taeyeon unnie is gonna get married soon." said Sohee, hardly believing in my words.

"She didn't accept the proposal yet." said Yeeun. Jihun smacked the back of her head.

"You should see how head over heels she is for him. Of course she'll accept the proposal." I smiled. When unnie gets married, I won't be alone. I have Jihun with me, my sister-like friend. I have Sohee, a friend who's like a younger sister to me, and Yeeun, my bestfriend- sister. I wouldn't feel lonely at all. And besides, unnie has a life too. She has her own desires and she has always wanted to be a mother, since we lost ours at a young age. 

Then I had an idea.

"Let's make unnie feel even more special on her wedding." I said and told them my idea, which soon resulted in a laughter between us. 

Oh, just you wait unnie. We are so ready for your proposal, and the wedding. 

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