Chapter 62

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Ten P.O.V

After a long night yesterday, we all had planned on meeting Baekhyun hyung's Fiancée.  Soon, after we had all prepared to leave, Baekhyun hyung called us, panic evident on his face.

"All of you. I'm warning and also protecting you, DO NOT talk bad about her sister or tell her that her sister has no morals for not being there with her and all. She seems calm but she's gonna eat you and I don't want anyone getting on anyone's bad side." he said in a single breath and we all looked at him amused. The once teasing, mischievous, and carefree Baekhyun hyung is now a matured and careful version of himself. We all nodded, comprehending his words and further everyone sat in the vehicles assigned to each one of us. After 10 minutes, we were outside our hospital. And after exactly 5 minutes we were in her room. As soon as we saw her, we were awestricken. She was a beauty. After a few minutes, she woke up. The silence in the room was thickening until Aunt Lee [ Mrs. Lee ] came towards Taeyeon and patter her head. She let out a smile and we soon conversed. The care-free laughs, the little gossips and new meetings. After a while, noona was calling someone, asking them to come over. Soon, we heard the door bang and our eyes darted to the direction, to see some women standing, some panting, while some nonchalant. My eyes darted to a certain someone and I let out a smirk.

"YOU!?" she yelled pointing her finger at me. I smirked and pointed my finger at myself.

"Me?" I asked innocently and I heard her growl.

"Of course you." she grinded her teeth.

"What's wrong?" asked a woman, which I guessed was Sooyoung [Mrs. Lee shoed my her picture] and she looked at her with wide eyes.

"This man, is a jerk. He reserved a whole café just for having a small 'talk' with his friend." she said, emphasizing ( and mocking ) the word talk. Sooyoung smirked and then looked at Taeyong, who seemed amused and soon his eyes met Sooyoung's. I saw from the corner of my yes, Mrs. Lee smiling secretly, and excitedly whispering in Mr. Lee's ear, while he was just looking at his wife with the utmost love and care in his eyes. 

"Guess all men are the same." Sooyoung said amused, and an eyebrow raised. Taeyong raised a brow too. My mind wandered around the thought whether they were always like this, alongside recovering from my shock. Nobody, not even Taeyong's closest men have dared to talk to him like that. This woman seemed special, though I was told her identity. However, Taeyong isn't a man who looks at people's power or identity, since he's the man with supreme authority and power and there is absolutely no-one to question him in the civilian and underground world. He looks for their attitude and determination. Something must have been special in her to even talk to Taeyong like that. 

"Mhm. I knew it. We were all born Einstein's and Newton's." he said and she laughed. So did everybody in the room. I saw Seulgi glare at me, and I winked at her. I saw her eyes flare in anger and I internally smiled. Oh, this was gonna be fun. 

Sooyoung P.O.V

After some time, we all stood up, bid our goodbyes and departed. Soon, me and Jihun reached home and collapsed on the couch. 

"Did you notice something that I noticed or am I just delusional?" I asked and I heard her gasp. 

"You noticed that you're delusional!? God dammit you took so long!" she exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"No you dumb head. I'm talking about Seulgi and Ten." I said and I felt the couch rise a bit. 

"Yeah, I noticed that too. He even winked at her." she said and I rose up with a force too.

"I know right. Now Sohee has something to tease Seulgi with." 

Jihnwan P.O.V

I was in front of the prison that was allotted to me. I had been punished a prison time for at most 2 years till my next court call. I was pushed in and in I saw 3 men, playing cards while smoking. I closed my eyes, trying to control my breathing and not smelling in the smoke. But I couldn't help the spreading discontent from entering my nose. One man stood up and came towards me and kept his large hand over my shoulder and smirked. 

"Well hello there little man. You're gonna have a hard time living with us. Embrace yourself."


Hi everyone! Sorry for the late update. From now on, I'll be posting on Saturdays and Sundays only. Be excited! Stay safe!

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