Chapter 63

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Sooyoung P.O.V

I had remembered about the day we all had decided to meet for the wedding preparations. It was from about 3 hours from now, we all had to meet together. While working, Sohee rushed in my office, panting.

"Unnie (pant) there was (pant) another murder (pant) reported." she said, panting heavily.

"What's abnormal about that?" 

"It's the mint candy killer." she said and my eyes widened. Was he not caught. Wasn't Jihnwan the mint candy killer? We rushed along with the other girls and reached the crime scene. 

"What are the details found yet?" I asked the policewoman near me and she bowed.

"We've found out that it's a woman. She was severely bruised when we reached here, and also hung up on the ceiling fan. She was beaten badly. The mint candy was found from her.....eyes." she completed at last, awkwardly.

"From the eyes?" I asked.

"Yes. Her eyeball was plucked out and as replaced with the mint candy." she said and I scoffed. That's level 8 torture. 

"Alright, inform me if you find something new." I said and we walked away towards the police station. Something was going on. The torture that we saw was something similar to what we learnt in SKNS. It was level 8 of torture and was executed perfectly. My suspicions were growing on the killer, of them being a SKNS agent. We started working on the case, not minding and remembering the time, which was passing by quickly. 

Taeyong P.O.V

I was at my office yet eomma had bugged me to go since the others would be waiting but I had a feeling of something drowning. I, still went with the boys since I couldn't disagree with what eomma gave me to do. I reached there just to see Hwayu, and her friends. Sooyoung or her group wasn't there. I knew I had a feeling and it was it. I sighed, embracing myself and we went for searching the shops and the materials needed for the wedding. 

Sooyoung P.O.V

I was at the station working when I got a call from unnie. 

"Yes unnie?" 

"Youngie, are you having fun there?" 

"Where? I'm at the police station investigating unnie. Why would I have fun when someone's murdered?"

"A-are you not with Taeyong and the rest?" I stopped what I was doing and widened my eyes. Oh shit- we had to meet today. But I couldn't do anything. It was something serious and I had to stay back.

"Unnie, I forgot. Besides, it's a serious case. I had to stay back anyways. You take care of yourself. I'll drop by in an hour or two."

"Alright. But text Taeyong. Bye" 

"Bye" I hung up the call and sighed. My mind wasn't working. I texted Taeyong and apologized (half-heartedly or not even apologize.) and started working. After a minute or two, I got a text from Taeyong.

"A half-hearted apology for a busy detective. Seems gold."

"I'm serious. I have to work." 

"Meet me at xxx. I'll think of apologizing you then."  he texted and went offline. Wow, just wow. Just because he holds the authority in the world- oh wait, he does. I groaned and called the girls.

"Did none of you remember we had to meet today?" I asked and their eyes widened.

"No shit sherlock. I forgot." exclaimed Sohee and I sighed. 

"I'll go meet Taeyong. He's angry since he had to roam around for an hour with the other girls. " I said and they chuckled. I soon arrived at the location Taeyong sent me and I saw him standing near the bridge pole.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked. 

"I figured your mind must be tired from all the work you've done today so I called you here. Besides, you're in no position to ask me that." I chuckled, nodding. 

"Do you believe in destiny?" he asked, suddenly.

"Out of the blue Lee?" I said and he smiled.

"Yes or no?" 

"No." he looked at me, then back at the sky. 

"Why not?" he asked and I chuckled.

"Why would an orphan, whose everything as taken away from her would believe in fairytales and destiny and a shooting star?" I said and he sighed. 

"Go on." he said. As if he knew I wanted to speak more, but restricted myself. 

"Destiny is believed by those, who live a life where destiny meets their goals. Destiny is not something a person, who's lost everything and worked hard day and night by themselves, to be believed by. Our brains have evolved for survival, not the truth. The concept of destiny is a survival strategy. Say for someone on the streets who's starving, doo they have a destiny problem. No they do not. Destiny doesn't work for them, why? Is it biased for people? Even if they did have destiny, how would they achieve it? That is why I don't agree with destiny. It's all Disney and shit." I completed and looked to see his expression, which was rather calm. 

"You're definitely different Sooyoung. Out of several people I've seen, they believe in Destiny. While I wouldn't blame you, since life showed you its real colors at a young age. But Destiny is a purpose. A purpose which is bigger than any obstacle you come across with, be it physical limitations, financial circumstances, being fired or other failure. Destiny isn't about materialistic valuables and happiness. It's about a purpose, which we all have in life. There's a unique reason for all of us being here, and there's still time to discover it. Alongside being a purpose, it's a journey. It's a journey which tests you at every second of your life. You might think t's easy for me to say it but I wouldn't have said it until I felt it. My grandfather was the closest person to me. While he cared for me like no one did. Not even my parents since they were busy at work and I was most of the time ignored by my own family. I still can feel the bitter taste lingering in my mouth about it. After his death, I became depressed. While I was bullied at school for being fat, I started growing gloomy and slender. I used to be a cheerful young life, but after his death, my life turned upside down. But my grandma was there to tell my parents about my condition and make my family realize about what they're doing. Then when I grew up, I struggled in establishing myself in the world. Everybody was embarrassed to even say or tell me about me being in the Lee family. I too spent sleepless nights and then grew to the occasion where I had adequate money to even buy the SM organization." he then looked at me, who was looking at him.

"Life isn't always about fairytales and Disney. It's about learning about you having purpose in the world, in life." he finished. We talked for some more time and departed, hos words dancing fresh in my mind. 

Jihnwan P.O.V

They had thought I was the mint killer. But who was gonna tell them that the one they're finding for is right between them. He's there. He's listening. He'll end everyone. He's right with them, and is someone with power and a mind. But who's gonna tell them. Who's gonna tell them that the Mint killer wasn't me, but _____________"

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