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°•° Author name: Causers °•°

Book name: Fathomless Ocean (KTH)
Genre: Fanfiction

°•° Reviewer: -Yoonshooky °•°


Title : 4.5/5.

I love creative and unique titles which fit the plot and 'Fathomless Ocean' was right up that notch. The title set the book apart from others as I couldn't find any other book with the same title. It was also thought-provoking. Great choice.

Cover : 4/5.

At first, I was iffy about the picture chosen but after reading the ending, I could see why the
author picked that. I liked the fonts used and the bubbles around the title helped to draw
attention to it. I would suggest the author maybe add a quote from the book at the bottom as
that part looked a little plain.

Description : 9/10.

I was not bothered by how short the blurb is because the story itself was very short. But,one thing that bothered me was the very crucial detail being revealed in it. I would have preferred the author saving the friend being imaginary for the book itself, it would have been a nice plot twist. I would suggest the author change the 'imaginary' to some other adjective like 'special'. Other than that, it was perfect.

Protagonist usage : 4.5/5.

The whole story was a depiction of the thoughts and experiences of the
protagonist—Taehyung. He was the main focus of the story and the author did well to make me feel attached to him even though the story was short.

Plot : 8/10.

The idea of the imaginary friend made the plot so much better. If it was a regular person, it wouldn't have had the same impact (and would have been cliche). The idea of Taehyung being so lonely and in need of help (but not being able to ask for it) that he created a whole person in his head was heartbreaking. I kinda wished the author went more deeply into the situation between his parents because I concluded that it played a crucial part in why Taehyung was depressed. It would have given more depth to the story.

Flow : 18/20.

Though fast, the story flowed well. It made sense for the story to go fast as it was a short story. Moreover, I think taking it slow would have felt like dragging out stuff. I wasn't confused at any point, so I would say the story flowed together well enough.

Character development : 8/10.

I didn't see any character development but I don't think there was any requirement for it
because of the way the story ended. Though it did seem like Taehyung might get better when he was with his 'friend', when he found out she wasn't real, I kinda knew it would be his doom. The emotions were portrayed very well and I even got a little emotional at the end. I really liked that Taehyung's personality was more poetic and deep while the imaginary friend
he created was easy going and straightforward.

Grammar and vocals : 13/15.

The grammar was mostly perfect except for a few minor mistakes which the author might have missed. The author can go through the story once and omit the errors. The vocabulary used was appropriate for the writing style.

Writing style : 8.5/10.

The writing style seemed pretty simple at first but it was actually quite poetic in my opinion. Though it did lack some environmental descriptions. Through the writing, I could feel connected with Taehyung and his emotions and thoughts.

Overall : 4/5.

The book was great, just a few minor corrections are needed. The emotions, the characters
were great (and the grammar as well except for the few mistakes).

Personal enjoyment : 4/5.

I am a sucker for emotional short stories and hurt-comfort, so you can guess that I enjoyed reading this book. Though it was short, it was entertaining.


Total marks : 85.5/100.

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