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Author name: Kalpika1
Book name: Reminiscent with Present
Genre: Mystery / Thriller / Romance
Reviewer- Mitali2203


Title: 4/5

The title is intriguing and catchy. Normally, they aren't used together and so, it made me curious If I would have been a reader - I would surely check it out.

Blurb: 6/10

It is short and it has some grammatical mistakes. I hope you will rectify it. Also, try to add more

information without giving out too much. Your blurb was written in a good way but it didn't interest me.

Cover: 4/5

The cover is beautiful. The color scheme and the choice of photos are simply perfect. I liked the cover.

Protagonist usage: 3/5

The writer has rightfully used the trope. The protagonists are easy to connect with and instantly binds us to the story.

Plot: 5/10

The plot of reincarnation has been used many times and so, it wasn't intriguing. Also, you didn't add your touch to the story and if you did then it didn't stand out. Overall, the story is enjoyable. The narratives were beautiful but excessive

Flow: 15/20

The flow was good but I think that the flashbacks were abrupt. Flashbacks should give some information to the protagonist and help them and not only dump information in bulk.

Character development: 6/10

The book is still ongoing but I think the writer would do it perfectly. The actions of the characters. aren't abrupt and the pace is just right. Not too fast, not too slow.

Grammar and Vocabulary: 15/15

The writer has a good understanding of grammar rules and their word scope is wide too.

Writing style: 4/10

The writer lacks it Every writer has their style of writing. The writer needs to work on it. The writing style is something that won't change irrespective of the genre. Readers would understand your work based on it.

Overall: 3/5

The book is a really good read. I enjoyed reading it and it didn't cringe and I loved the different scenes so far. The characters are skillfully drafted and the storyline is great too. I like the distinct character traits and the vivid images of the actions you have created. I could fairly imagine the scenes and my heart was wrenched too.

The characters of Jin and Taehyung' were immensely deep and it was something magical to read. The conversations aren't cringing or cliché but a few in the third and fourth chapters were there. This would be mostly the emotional scenes - make them more real and if you don't understand where it is lacking then try reading it out loud and imagine if this would be said by your character or not

Personal enjoyment: 5/5

I enjoyed the book-it has everything: romance, drama, emotion, and humor. A whole packed book. but it could have been better if the use of adjectives and adverbs are lessened. It ruins the mood.


Total marks: 70/100

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