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Reviewed By:: yy_TaehyungShi_yy
Author Name:: lemonseokie
Book Name:: Homicide
Genre:: Thriller / Paranormal / Mystery


Title:: 3.5/5

The title seems apt, crisp, and precise. It has a glorified meaning of the word murder and suits the plot well enough. The part where I think it lacks is that a murder or a homicide mostly has a case number or date number or something. That is an essential part of any case. If you would add a number following 'homicide' I have a feeling that the title would seem better.

Cover:: 3/5

The cover is simple and to an extent minimalistic. I find it appropriate for the story with the background and setting of the image. The positioning of the title of the book seems a little off. You could place it in the center maybe, with greater font size. I would suggest that you add subtitles to your book cover. It is a small yet significant change overall.

Description:: 7/10

While the description was not perfect, it piqued my interest. Starting with a quote from the book, and ending it with just a slight hint about the plot and what it will revolve around was a good idea. You could still use some work on the paragraph breaks, and the grammar was a little off.

Protagonist usage:: 4/5

I very much appreciate how you have used the protagonist throughout the plot so far. The protagonist, 'Yoongi' seems to be a cool, composed, and intellectual character. He has repeatedly proved his efficiency to decipher meaning throughout the book and that is a crucial role for most protagonists in thrillers and mysteries.

However, there is also a lingering feeling that the protagonist has been glorified to an extent that he somewhat overshadows many other characters in the book. Be careful about that little fact that even though your protagonist should be your main focus. Try to inculcate or show certain flows in them. It helps in good character development later on.

Plot:: 7/10

I personally love reading and the genre you have picked has many rhetorical books. But in your case I found the plot refreshing and somewhat new. I am sure you have taken inspiration from somewhere and you have in my opinion changed it well enough to have a book of its own. I did find certain loopholes in your plot though.

As a mystery related story. I would have preferred that you would have told us in later chapters that 'Jimin' is the member who has been murdered. It could have piqued the interest of the readers even more.

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