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Author name: MiniMoxx

Book Name: A fighting chance
Genre: lit fic / Romance
Reviewer:: bulletproofsonyeodan


Title: 5/5

I like the title. It describes the genre of the story and fits the plot well.

Cover: 5/5

The cover is nice too. It describes the main emotion the book is based on really well and it compliments the genre of the story too.

Description: 9/10

The description is well written. It gives us a hint of what we'll find in the book but doesn't spoil the story in any way. Although, I believe a small extract from the story would've made the description better.

Protagonist usage: 5/5

The protagonist was used well and in a proper way.

Plot: 9/10

The plot seems unique and interesting. But the story is based on a very common topic; family tradition. Still, the writer has done an astounding job and making it different.

Flow: 18/20

The grammar and punction are correct however it is wrong in a few places disrupting the flow of the story. Otherwise, I don't find any plot holes to disrupt the flow. The story is planned out nicely.

Character development: 10/10

Both the characters developed well. They didn't completely change but they developed into something better.

Grammar and vocals: 14/15

The vocals are nice but there are a few grammatical errors.

Writing style: 10/10

I love the writing style. The writer has described everything very well and interestingly. The writing style will hook the readers until the end.

Overall: 4/5

Overall, it is amazing!

Personal enjoyment: 5/5

The story seemed quite interesting and just my type. I wish you luck in the future, you're doing well!


Total marks: 94/100

Please don't forget to follow your reviewer & vote for this chapter!


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