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Author name:itsISHU
Book name: The Bet
Genre: Fanfiction ( Harry Potter marauders era)
Reviewer: mmjlegend


Title: 5/5

Brief, related to the plot, and catchy.

Cover: 5/5

Beautiful lighting and it always helps that the protagonists are on the cover.

Description: 10/10

Interesting and brief. Can't say anything more.

Protagonist usage: 5/5

Nicely and plenty usage.

Plot: 10/10

Common, but very effective plot. It has cliffhangers that leave the readers hooked.

Flow: 20/20

Nice flow, not too fast and not too slow with an appropriate amount of anticipation that gets the reader hooked on the story.

Character development: 10 /10

Great character development as they have not been totally changed but still improved.

Grammar and vocals: 15/15
Barely any mistakes.

Writing style: 10/10

Neat writing style with proper use of description when needed.

Overall: 5/5

It was so well written, I'm speechless.

Personal enjoyment: 5/5

It was amazing. I'm surprised why it has so few reads as I lost myself in it after I started reading it.


Total marks: 100/100

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