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°•°Author name: Urus_Bangtan°•°

•Book name: Film out•
•Genre: Romance•
°•°Reviwer: mmjlegend°•°


✯ Title: 4/5

The significance is explained later, but it's not relevant to the Plot.

✯Cover: 3/5

The close-up look is attractive, but it also does not seem relevant to the plot. Try a theme to match with the plot for example if it's fantasy try using a dreamy/ mysterious sketch cover if it's high school use cute/aesthetic covers. You can request a cover on the various graphic shops available on Wattpad.

✯ Description: 5/10

It's too short and could pass up as another bodyguard-client love story but it's deeper than that and it could be conveyed by putting a small extract from the story under the given description.

✯ Protagonist usage: 5/5

I don't know what to say here, but let me tell you, you did a great work in using the protagonist.

✯ Plot: 8/10

At first glance, it seems like a common romance but the fact that the bodyguard is a vampire makes it unique. But the author could elaborate on the characteristics of the type of vampire used.

✯ Flow: 15/20

The Flow is very shaky and slow till the 5th chapter and made me want to close the book. The writer should work on it. After that, the flow is good.

✯ Character development: 10/10

Considerable character development on both the protagonists as well as other characters.

✯ Grammar and vocals: 5/15

There is a lot of grammar errors like missing words, punctuation errors, and bad sentence structure. The 1st chapter itself has 5 major mistakes and it made the chapter cringy.

✯ Writing style: 8/10

The way the dialogues are written is a major issue because it's more difficult to read since the reader has no idea to who the dialogue is directed. There is also the problem with how the chapters are ended since it is abrupt and not explained properly in the next chapter.

✯ Overall: 4/5

The Plot and storyline seem good, the only problems are grammar and writing style.

✯ Personal enjoyment: 3/5

The starting chapters were confusing with abrupt endings and unexplained starts of the next chapters.


Total marks: 70/100

Please don't forget to follow your reviewer & vote for this chapter!



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