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Reviewer: -Yoonshooky
Author name: bosandaros
Book name: Flashfire
Genre: Paranormal / Romance


Title: 4.5/5

I didn't find any other book with the same title and it has relevance to the book. The title is attention-grabbing and intriguing as well. The author made a good choice by choosing the title, I wouldn't suggest any changes.

Cover: 2/5

I don't think that the cover is bad, but I feel like there are a few changes that can be made to make it better. I would suggest the author change the fonts of the title and subtitle to one that is more attractive. The author can also replace the flowers with maybe a bird so that it has more connection to the story. The author can also change the background (to maybe a railway track or something like that) to give the cover more depth.

Description: 9/10

The description is great, I wouldn't suggest any changes. Despite revealing a crucial part of the plot-- Liam is dead-- the description can maintain the reader's curiosity because of the last part. There aren't any grammatical mistakes either which is always important. The description can generate enough curiosity to make the reader want to know more.

Protagonist usage: 4/5

The story revolves around the two protagonists and they are the main focus. The relationship of the protagonists was realistic and the kind which you don't get to see much on Wattpad. I could feel the bond between the characters and their personalities shined through their actions.

Plot: 8.5/10

The plot revolves around Caleb trying to figure out who was Liam's murderer. I wasn't expecting the end to be that way but looking back at the story, there were many hints given by Liam's behavior. I also really like how the author made the readers get suspicious of Paul, I was thinking that he was the murderer. I haven't read any story like this one so it would be unfair to call the story a cliche.

Flow: 19/20

The author made a clever choice by beginning the story where they did. After reading the description, I thought that maybe the author would first show how Liam died since they had already revealed his death in the descriptions. I was pleasantly surprised to see that that
wasn't the case. The author did a great job in the way they progressed the story and slowly revealed the storyline and showcased the bond between Caleb and Liam.

Character development: 8.5/10

The way the author explained the emotions and feelings of the characters made it easier for me to connect with them. For example, the way Caleb was starting to doubt himself and think that he was going crazy made him seem more humane. I didn't see any character development, but I don't think that it was required for the story. It didn't make the story feel incomplete.

Grammar and vocals: 13/15

I noticed punctuation mistakes, especially missing commas. Even though such small mistakes can be overlooked, I suggest that the author fix them. Other than that, there weren't any typos or misuse of words. I wouldn't suggest any changes in the vocabulary used, it is
adequate and vast enough to properly convey what the author wants to write.

Writing style: 9/10

The author's writing style is apt for the genre. I was hooked on the story because of the way the author portrayed it. The author has given enough description of the surroundings and the
characters' feelings and emotions to create a vivid image in the reader's mind. The author's writing style is one of those which makes you want to write like that.

Overall: 4/5

I would suggest the author make changes to the cover to make it more attractive. The story was good enough that I read it till the end and was satisfied with it.

Personal enjoyment: 4/5

One of the best books I've got to review. I can see the effort the author put into the story and it paid off well. I apologize for the lack of criticism in this review, but I couldn't think of anything else that left me feeling dissatisfied.


Total marks: 85.5/100

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