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Author: SongYeEun2500
Book: They Skedaddled
Reviewer: Euphoricsync


Title: 5/5

The title is suited to the book and it has a very contaminated meaning, I couldn't understand it at first but when I translated it into Korean, the word describes a cluster of emotions. So a 5/5

Cover: 3/5

The cover is just not according to my perception. I thought of more of a light theme with the main OC's character blending in together.The theme Author used is a dark one, I am not opposed that it's not a good idea but if the face claim would have been made more visible, it would have suited well then.

Description: 7.5/10

The description is not great, it neither contains the blurb nor the prologue. The blurb the Author used only contains quotes or dialogues from the storyline,which is quite fine if added with some context of the story.

Protagonist usage: 4/5

The protagonist's usage is good, with no reputation of a name again and again. Perfect usage of pronouns. All is good in this sector.

Plot: 8/10

The plot is very common nowadays.The high school romance plot is a trend nowadays, so I gave it an 8. But if I review from a good reader's perspective, then it's a very common plot. Maybe I would have given more marks if the plot card was not reversed and the high school sweethearts didn't go together but since the story is continuing, I am not expecting much but hoping for good on the storyline.

Flow: 20/20

The plot is smooth without any loops or plot holes. Worth it for a stress-free reading!

Character development: 9/10

The character development in the story is good. I like seeing Jungkook having a varied and diverse character development in the coming chapter. I too love how the Author didn't forget about all the side characters too and improved their vision in the chapters prevailing.

Grammar and vocals: 13/15

I can see that the Author lacks in this part. They have to improvise a bit in this part a bit.

Writing style: 10/10

I don't have anything to say except that the Author has done this part so well.

Overall: 5/5

Personal enjoyment: 5/5


Total marks: 89.5/100

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