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Author name: softyhartz
Book Name: Whirlwind
Genre: short story/teen fiction
Reviewed By: jhopehipthrustsimp


#Title: 5/5

I like how you put the title at the center of the story. The whole book just revolves around the thought of life is just like a whirlwind. It's good.

#Cover: 5/5

Aesthetic, the cover is so pretty. This kind of cover attracts readers like me and I love its vibes to it. It sets the mood.

#Description: 9/10

It has what it needs to be a good teaser/description. It gave what readers need to expect but still makes them interested.

#Protagonist usage: 4/5

Throughout, the whole story is written from Alyson's point of view. Even if that's the case, we still can understand the other characters' feelings, thoughts, and personalities.

#Plot: 9/10

Not too cliché and not too different either. I like the balance of the plot, it does not have these sudden turns of situations and it's easy to follow. The flashback was really on point and not random, it helped us, readers, to know what happened and understand and because of that, we found out that both are at fault for the breakup. We also got to know why Ethan came back and why is he hard to read at times. Good plot, I love it.

#Flow: 19/20

I don't give perfect points because I know there is still a room to improve lmao >.<
About the flow, it's great. It's not slow and not too fast, just enough for the story to be short. Even though it is a short story, it felt like I've read a 100 chapter book because of the details and how you worded every paragraph.

#Character development: 9/10

I loved how the protagonist realized her mistakes and learned from them, how she matured and learned how to forgive. I like how she didn't keep hate towards Ethan and I love how she wanted to let him go and move on from the past.

To Ethan, I admire how he wanted to be a better version of himself, and how he eventually accepted the tragic reality that his parents are no longer there. He learned from his mistakes and improved himself, that's why he wanted to protect Alyson from getting hurt again. (He's just a ball of softness, I wanna kith him Uwu).

#Grammar and vocals: 14/15

I don't have to say anything, to be honest, so I'm just going to complement your art. The use of words, the phrasing, the paragraphs, the quotes, the deep words you've used is just so admirable because how can a person write such beautiful quotes. I can't do that. I didn't observe any errors or mistakes.

The details you give from how his eyes express a certain feeling to how she is feeling a certain emotion without mentioning that emotion. In the first chapter you wrote "the waiters and kitchen staff exhale at once. Call it a day, for I have been mopping the floor, scooping ice cream, cutting bread, and making coffee..."just from this you would know that 'oh right, that's so exhausting and you didn't even write the word 'exhausting'. Kudos to that amazing paragraph.

#Writing style: 9/10

I love the spacing, not too much and not too little. Idk what to say anymore, just, Very good writing style.

#Personal enjoyment: 5/5

It's given that I loved the book from a writer and reader perspective. Great job.


Total marks: 88/100

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