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Username: _jugnuu_
Title: Through Her Eyes
Genre: Romance, Short Story
Reviewer: Yoonqix281


Title: 5/5

It's a great title! The female lead is the male lead's eyes after he donated them to her.

Cover: 4/5

A cover should be simple yet eye-catching. I feel like a different font should be used on the cover and there are a lot of unnecessary filters added to the cover.

Description: 7/10

The description was good. But this line "She loved him, He betrayed her" I don't think he betrayed her. SHE THOUGHT he betrayed her but instead he gave her his eyes so her to not lose her job.

Protagonist usage: 3/5

There wasn't a lot of the protagonist's back story and all. It's just them meeting, falling in love, and after a bit of a rollercoaster, they get married.

Plot: 7/10

Good plot but wasn't the story a bit too fast and unrealistic. I mean who can fall in love so fast and easily with a person they've just met.

Flow: 16/20

Because it's short story stuff that happened fast like before I could comprehend the male lead just proposed to the female lead to marriage, they already had an accident and the female lead lost her eyes. I felt like the story should've gone a bit slow but the rest is great.

Character development:  8/10

The character development was great!

Grammar and vocals: 14/15

The grammar is good! Could use some changes here and there but it's great!

Writing style: 8/10

Love the way you mention the day and how long it's been since the last scene. It's great!

Overall: 4/5

I liked the book!

Personal enjoyment: 4/5

Great book loved it!


Total marks: 80/100

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