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Author name::  aesthxtic_bae
Book name:: Ice Prince
Genre:: Fanfiction
Reviewer:: shimla1210


Title: 3/5

Not relatable for now, maybe will be as the story progresses, if it still isn't relatable I suggest changing it as soon as possible.

Cover: 3/5

Doesn't look like the theme of the book and is a little over-edited, try to use the school theme only and make the name of the book bigger and visible.

Description: 5/10

You need to make it a bit minimize lengthily, and for it to explain the book, it's good you choose a line from the book but give the book a summary. Not the whole summary but a part of the plot which makes the readers feel intrigued.

Protagonist usage: 5/5

It's well done and I don't have anything further to point out.

Plot: 8/10

It's common, but has a fresh view to it, make sure to have plot twists( I already see some) to make it interesting.

Flow: 19/20

Flow is good, very smooth and steady, keep it up.

Character development: 9/10

Good for the number of chapters you have right now, hoping to see more.

Grammar and vocals: 13/15

Mistakes are here and there, it' good, but can be improved.

Writing style: 7/10

Your style is depended on italics underline, bold, etc. You did write well but try to make it without depending on that a lot, try to make it more descriptive too. You used a lot of pronouns try using it like "the blue-eyed boy," or "the brunette,".

Overall: 4/5

Personal enjoyment: 4/5


Total marks: 85/100

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