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°•°Author name: aesthxtic_bae°•°
•Book Name: Heartless•
•Genre: Fanfiction•
°•°Reviewer: shimla1210°•°


✯ Title: 3/5

It is too common for a title, won't attract many people. Try using a different title that connects the story. For example "Black Romance."

✯ Cover: 3/5

Quite plain, add some editing and know that the glimpse of the cover is the first impression.

✯ Description: 6/10

Please give a proper blurb cause the cover, description, and title make the first impression. You can add dialogue from the chapters itself but remember suspense and thriller dialogues are the key.

✯ Protagonist usage: 4/5

Good enough, but would love to read the insight of Jungkook's life.

✯ Plot: 5/10

I'm sorry to say, but it is very common, the cold mafia vibes person who you love, and he has a girlfriend, but you still love him and forget about someone who did love you. These all are pretty common. Try adding some suspense that makes it unique.

✯ Flow: 16/20

Kind of shaky, try to not end a chapter with no cliffhanger and make them connected. Adding cliffhangers will make a reader feel intruded on.

✯ Character development: 7/10

It's not seen much in the beginning chapters, but it's to be expected in the upcoming chapters.

✯ Grammar and vocals: 11/15

I see how it's improving chapter to chapter, but use punctuations correctly.

✯ Writing style: 7/10

Can be improved, make more descriptive, and engage your readers with attractive words. For example use synonymous instead of using widely used one like ' good, said, cry ' etc.

✯ Overall: 3/5

It has criteria to grow.

✯ Personal enjoyment: 3/5


Total marks: 60/100

Please don't forget to follow your reviewer & vote for this chapter!



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