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Author name: kennedi444
Book name: The sparks between us
Genre: Romance
Reviewer-  mmjlegend


«Title: 3/5

The title is pretty common. Try using a title that isn't used much or try adding a color name before the word 'romance' following how the plot is. If it's filled with desire, and lust then writes 'Red Romance' which isn't common. Just a suggestion though.

«Cover: 4/5

Mediocre and easy to scroll past.

«Description: 8/10

It needs to be briefer. The format is good. Try adding sentences or dialogue from the book itself.

«Protagonist usage: 4/5

Great and hope to see more of Halden in the future.

«Plot: 8/10

Pretty basic. Try adding extra scenes which aren't that common.

«Flow: 5/20

It is really slow. 4-to 5 chapters have been used at the beginning of the story where only 1-to 2 chapters would have been sufficient, this delays the rest of the story.

«Character development:  5/10

Huge scope for development but haven't seen any yet since it's pretty early in the story.

«Grammar and vocals: 15/15

The grammar and vocals were amazing with barely any spelling or punctuation errors.

«Writing style: 4/10

The description is amazing but it's used in the wrong places. For example, in many instances, the writer has described the clothes and makeup as well as added pics for it. If you add pics then, don't describe and if you want to describe then don't add pics, make it easier for yourself as well as the reader.

Then, again you have given that she first brushes her hair then baths at some places, the readers don't need to know that, instead, write how the protagonists feel when looking at each other which you have given in a third-person point of view.

«Overall: 4/5

The only problem is the writing style, otherwise, it is pretty good.

«Personal enjoyment: 3/5

I'm a simp for enemies to lovers.


Total marks: 63/100

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