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Username: Newsummergirl
Book name: Destiny
Reviewer: Yoonqix281


Title: 5/5

Great title! Niya and Namjoon meet wae destiny

Cover: 4/5

Simple yet sweet! By the way, you have to add the author's name on the covers.

Description: 7/10

The description is ok but I think it's too big maybe cut it down a bit and the description is of a part that has still not occurred in the story so can't judge that right.

Protagonist usage: 5/5

Both protagonists were used adequately.

Plot: 8/10
Great plot, but maybe specify locations.

Flow: 10/20
The flow would have been great if the POVs in the book were mentioned. For example, it's difficult to understand who is speaking to whom or are they speaking to themselves since POVs aren't mentioned. It's better if you use only one POV per chapter.

Character development: 7/10

There hasn't been a major character development yet. But until now it's good!

Grammar and vocals: 8/15

Grammar, tenses, and  punctuations are not that good it would need a lot of changes

Writing style: 9.3/10

The writing style is good, after the grammar improves the writing skills can be 10/10.

Overall: 3/5

Great book but needs grammar corrections

Personal enjoyment: 4/5


Total marks: 70.3/100

Don't forget to follow your reviewer and vote for the chapter!



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