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Username: BlackStar_74
Book Name: Sub Enigmata | Taekook
Book genre: Fanfiction, mystery, romance.
Reviewer: mmjlegend


Title: 5/5
Catchy and something unique. The title revolves around the story too which makes it even better.

Cover: 3/5
It's pretty average, but I suggest you change it by ordering it from graphic shops.

Description: 10/10
Brief and great. It's intriguing for the readers to feel like reading further.

Protagonist usage: 4/5
It's done well.

Plot: 9/10
Creative and I'm curious to see where the story goes.

Flow: 18/20
Flow is pretty fast and that's a good thing but it may confuse some readers.

Character development: 7/10
Jungkook's character development is very sudden while Taehyung hasn't changed much since the start of the story.

Grammar and vocals: 10/10
The grammar is good but the vocals could use some changes.

Writing style: 8/10

It's pretty good but there's a need for more descriptions of the surroundings.

Overall: 4/5
Personal enjoyment: 4/5


Total marks: 82/100

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