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Username::  bangtanrewinds
Book:: Still with You | MYG
Genre: Fanfiction, romance, mystery
Reviewer- youngivory06


Title: 5/5

The title is good cause it correlates with the storyline.

Cover: 5/5

I love the crack effects, and you're able to see the title well.

Description: 7/10

It's a nice synopsis. Connects the story and gives a summary of what is to come. Although in some parts, the grammar isn't correct.

Protagonist usage: 4/5

The two main characters are used well even though there aren't a lot of chapters yet. But the readers can still understand them and what they're going through.

Plot: 5/10

It's a quite common plot. Childhood love, stepmother hates stepchild, etc. It also needs a lot of development and editing.

Flow: 9/20

The flow was disrupted a lot. I had to reread a lot of times because of the misspellings, lack of periods and commas in sentences…, also the sentence structure- we sometimes don't know who's talking.

Character development: 5/10

There weren't enough chapters for this. There were some flashbacks to the main leads' younger selves at the beginning but they didn't change that much after becoming adults, although this may be as a result of there being only nine chapters to read.

Grammar and vocals: 6/15

The grammar was off throughout the story. It needs thorough editing. It affected the flow of the story and the sentence structure as a whole. Some parts felt cringe due to poor word choices and I felt frustrated multiple times cause I couldn't understand many things. I know most of the authors aren't English speakers or have English as their native language therefore use apps that help you with correcting mistakes.

Apps- Google docs, Grammarly, Ginger.

Writing style: 6/10

It needs improvement. There should be a balance between dialogues and descriptions. We should know who's talking to who and the author doesn't have to pop up in the middle of a chapter and ask if the writing is good. It's better to write that after a chapter. Although I must say, they have good cliffhangers.

Overall: 3/5

The storyline is good; however, it could use development and editing to improve the story.

Personal enjoyment: 3/5

The book is good but with the errors, it's a bit frustrating for me as a reviewer. The book has a nice scope if it's edited thoroughly.


Total marks: 58/100

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