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°•° Author name: TVD_Lover1999 °•°

• Book name: Torn Between Two •
• Genre: Werewolf/Fantasy •

°•° Reviewer: jhopehipthrustsimp  °•°


Title: 4/5.

The title was great and for me, it gave a hint of what's going to happen in the book. I also thought that maybe the title was "Tom between two" because it's like a love triangle kind of plot, and I'm right.

Cover: 4/5.

The dark aesthetic of the cover is so good but in my opinion, it'll be much better if there are no random pictures of people, though, I think it'll help future readers to imagine what the characters look like so it's good. The font used was fantastic and the wolf in the background was perfect.

Description: 9/10.

The description is catchy. It's a great way to hint the readers what to expect and also a great way to get them to read the book because they are interested in what will happen in the storyline And to say the least, it's a great tease.

Protagonist usage: 4/5.

There's no proper introduction of the antagonist in the story yet. The protagonist was Lila, Rowan, and Cain in my opinion, the way you write from Lila's perspective was very good since she can't remember all of what happened to her, we, readers was curious about what is happening. It keeps us interested in the plot. The twin's real intention to Lila was one of the mysteries that intrigued my mind.

Plot: 9/10.

The plot was amazing. The mystery and angst in the storyline are what I liked the most. though, I waited for the big emotional scenes that most angst/mystery books I have read have. All in all, the plot is great and even if I'm not reviewing it anymore. I'd still read it.

Flow: 18/20.

I felt like the pace was kind of slow, but the storyline flow was good. It's still at chapter eleven so I can't say more When I said the storyline is pacing slow, I meant that in a

good way. The plot doesn't need to be rushed as it will be very confusing. I think as a reader, I am so into the book and I wish the updates will be more often since the movement of the story is kind of slow, but everything goes down on you because you're the author.

Character development: 9/10.

Cair's character development is there but it's not so obvious and I love it. For Rowan, I think he's like that ever since but it's obvious that he's showing more of his personality to Lila which is another good way to set the plot. Lila is confused with her feeling which is expected since the incident in the library, she's more likely to have the least character development but I hope in the future chapters she'd still develop as a character.

Grammar and Vocals: 13/15.

The vocabulary was really wide, no words repeated in a sentence and I think you did a pretty good job on writing what you wanted to happen and it's detailed. Everyone is not perfect in grammar, me too, but I found a few spelling mistakes here and there, for example, you wrote "her" instead of "here" Another proofreading will help you see and correct these minor errors

Writing style: 9/10.

I love your way of writing. The details, the mystery, the way you used the first person in writing, the pacing, the characters, everything. I love this kind of writing style, may sound biased but out of all the writing styles I have encountered in many books read, yours got to be one of my favorite.

Overall: 5/5.

I can't say I didn't like the book because I did. Overall the book is amazing. Keep up the good work!

Personal enjoyment: 5/5.

I love the book. I'm going to wait for the next chapters and I'm anticipating Lila to beat that Stacy girl. jk jk Lmao.


Total Marks: 89/100.

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