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Author name: NillianaRH
Book Name: Lilliana Ravenborn
Reviewer:  rabisworld02


Title: 2/5

The title is one of those factors which catches the attention of readers at first glance. Reading this title didn't give me any attractive vibes or made me leave other books and start reading this. Does it match with the plot, I think the way you have depicted the story till now, yes it does. It is relevant to the plot. But not eye-catching enough to get many readers, I would suggest you change it. Even though I don't have any name recommendations at the moment, I would suggest you change it. 

Cover: 0/5

I have '0' marks for it because it is not some cover. It is only a picture used as a book cover. There is no title, author name, or any subtitle, anything which gives us a glimpse of this cover belonging to the plot in the book.

The theme is not matching as well. According to me, book covers play an important role in catching the attention of readers and cause to catch the eye. In your case, it doesn't have the qualities of a cover, therefore I would suggest changing that.

You can either design it yourself by using many different apps, such as Canva and picsart or ibis paint. Or you can just order a cover for yourself from the many cover/graphic shops available on Wattpad.

Description: 6/10

It needs improvement all over. The single paragraph you have used isn't enough to grab attention. Even more than a title and a cover, a blurb is the main one that catches the attention.

The synopsis you have used is not much enough. It needs improvement. To make it more catchy and attractive, you should use a few interesting dialogues from the story, a little interesting scene, or a little conversation between two characters.

Also, split the current paragraph into three sections. One of them would be all the lines before the single dialogue you used, then write the dialogue separately and the third section is the last line after the dialogue.

Protagonist usage: 3/5

The story has only a few parts, far away from the main plot, the characters are not described well enough, but still, the main characters are shown and clear. So the main characters are shown and pretty much active.

Plot: 5/10

Your story is still in the beginning process, nothing is revealed to the point to take a view on the plot. There are many questions which have to be answered. Why was the female lead locked up? Who kept her locked up? What do they want? Who she is to not age up like humans? And many more things.

However, the execution of the plot is pretty attractive. Each scene is described and full in detail. Good job here.

Flow: 18/20

Even though not much of the plot is revealed yet, the flow is smooth. There is no rush or hurry seen in the parts which are updated till now.

Character development:  4/10

As I have mentioned before the plot and story are not revealed much therefore nothing can be said in the final notes. However, the explanation of the characters and their brief shows of thinking is appreciated. I am sure the development in their behaviors and thinking would be seen as the story progresses.

Grammar and vocals: 8/15

Your vocabulary is pretty good. You have the grip on your words but your grammar needs a little improvement. There are a few grammatical errors seen here and there. Such as the usage of "Past tense" even after using "Did" in the beginning. It is against the rule as the word "Did" in the beginning or before the verb word has shown us that this sentence belongs to the past.

Writing style: 7/10

Your writing style is good. You explained each even with details and gave us a brief introduction on our characters regarding a situation. You have the potential but need a little polish.

Overall: 2/5

Overall, the story is good and I am pretty sure the plot is unique. But it is not revealed much and is being promoted enough.

Personal enjoyment: 3/5

I enjoyed the story to its full extent and would suggest the writer update more frequently.


Total marks: 58/100

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