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°•° Author name: Causers  °•°

• Book Name: Baby or Daddy? (JJK) •
• Genre: Fanfiction •

°•° Reviewer: Yoonqix281   °•°


∆ Title: 4/5

Ok, Jungkook was daddy material in the most recent chapter- But I think the title suits the book because on the previous night Jungkook was just a little toddler and the next morning he's a grown-up man!

∆ Cover: 4/5

I'm In LOVE with the theme going on in the cover and banners! The cute drawing and font look soo good! But maybe try using a different font for the author's name!

∆ Description: 6/10

Short. Maybe you could add a bit more about the story. Just dialogue don't interest readers to read. Add maybe a summary of what will happen in the book.

∆ Protagonist usage: 3/5

The process of the story was great! At the start of the book, Nobody would've expected Jungkook to like Yeonhee!

∆ Plot: 9/10

Something I have never read before! It's something unrealistic, but then who comes on Wattpad to read realistic stuff!

∆ Flow: 17/20

I like your writing style. The flow was not that bad! It could have a bit of improvement because some of the scenes end in a bit of an abrupt way.

∆ Character development: 8/10

The most development was seen in Jungkook!!  But maybe the readers will a bit more info on Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi.

∆ Grammar and vocals: 13/15

The grammar and the vocals in the book were pretty good!! But punctuation can use some improvement.

∆ Writing style: 9/10

As I said before, I liked your writing style! But one can always get better at writing!

∆ Overall: 4/5.

∆ Personal enjoyment: 5/5.

I loved reading it! It was my first time reading something with that type of plot, but I enjoyed it so much!


Total marks: 82/100

Please don't forget to follow your reviewer & vote for this chapter!



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