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Username: Kitty-Writer
Title: The Magic Behind Her Eyes
Genre: Fantasy adventure
Reviewer: youngivory06


Title: 4/5

The title relates to the main character's story very well but the title only made sense after the 20th chapter. Still, it's good!

Cover: 3/5

The cover was beautiful but still basic. Try some graphic shops to get a more accurate one.

Description: 10/10

The description caught my attention and created enough anticipation for a reader to want to read.

Protagonist usage: 5/5

The protagonist is used really although it is mainly set in a fantasy world, she has realistic emotions and readers are absent with her.

Plot: 10/10

A full ten marks. where plot twists are hanging by a thread, needing to know the next thing that's going to happen. It also has a real storyline which I haven't seen before.

Flow: 18/20

The plot is written nicely, without any plot holes. The only thing disrupting it is the grammatical errors in it.

Character development: 7/10

There wasn't any character development until the 20th chapter but then, we saw her growing slowly but surely before the chapter.

Grammar and vocabulary: 11/15

The author uses their vocabulary well, the descriptions are really Although there are quite some grammatical errors, for example, misspelling of words, displacement of homophones, and non-capitalizations after a period.

Writing style: 9/10

I like the author's writing style, it's interesting to read. It indeed hooked me. It just needs to be edited to get rid of the grammatical errors.

Overall: 4/5

It was amazing.

Personal enjoyment: 5/5

I loved it a lot. It was an interesting read and the cliffhangers are top-notch.


Total marks: 86/100

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