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Book:: Hug Me More.
Author::  storminsidemycore
Reviewer:: viekeinz


Title: 5/5

Wow, the title sounds so warm and it's unique! Really fits the characters' adorable nature and moments. It's is something that will surely catch reader's attention! Good choice of words.

Cover: 3/5

Well the cover is so simple...noting extra than a picture. But that isn't the issue. I think this picture doesn't really fits the theme of a heartwarming story. Maybe try something in which Chan has a bright smile which is also aesthetic. I like the font tho.

Description: 6/10

I think the description is a little un-detailed. There is no mention of Chan's work, like if he is a high schooler or a man in twenties or an artist. I later got to know it after reading the book. Also this doesn't feel like a description, it's as if you are mentioning what happened to Kamila. I recommend to add some random dialogues from any of your chapter and then give some instances of their life.

Protagonist usage: 5/5

I really like Kamila's character as a brave girl fighting the odds of her life and working hard to save her sister. Chan also has a great personality, he is helpful and kind towards Kamila. He supports her as much as possible which is a great thing.

Plot: 7/10

The plot was basically a story about a girl with her hardships and her life with idols as their stylist. It was very simple and a rollercoaster of many emotions. It presented the reality very well, though at some parts it felt unreal. The struggles of our life, everyone has their own and here the story of Kamila shows her own problems.

Flow: 13/20

I felt that the flow was a little faster than usual. Maybe it's because there aren't many descriptions in the part where the characters are speaking. The actions are happening in a sequence but due to less details at places it feels rushed.

Character Development: 7/10

I am glad seeing Kamila moving on in her life and accepting everything that is given to her rather than complaining. There is a great development in her relationship with the members. Also I loved seeing Bora accepting Kamila regarding her talent and not career.

Grammar and Vocals: 10/15

Although I didn't find any errors but at parts the sentences felt too common, like nothing special is there in your book. I recommend you to add some new unique words which will make it better. And the vocals of the characters need to be improved. You need to emphasise on the speech of the characters.

Writing style: 6/10

The writing style is cliché. The same cheesy lines and wherever required, the details are less. At some places I couldn't get the feelings clearly. Also try to add some unusual words which will make your writing different from others.

Overall: 2.5/5

The chapters were nice but some parts were missing. The writing was nothing unique. Until I read, I couldn't find any twists in the story. But the major issue is that there are a lot of things happening outside but inner conflict is less. You need to pay attention to the character's goal which was mentioned but in only some parts. It's good that you have added the issues that come in her path but achievement is missing.

Personal Enjoyment: 3/5

It was a simple but sweet story. Although I had a little more expectation from this book but I know that the author is talented and their ideas are creative. Just some more practice and it will turn out very great. I recommend reading books of this genre/type and discovering new words and then utilising it for the story.


Total : 67.5/100

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