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Book Title:: Ace Of Hearts
Author: _wordmist_addict_
Genre: Romance/Humour
Reviewer: TVD_Lover1999


● Title:: 3/5

I understand why you chose the title that you chose. Your male love
interest's name is Ace. But I find the title-Ace Of Hearts to be a bit melodramatic and cliche.

It also doesn't go with the story in my opinion. When I think of 'Ace of hearts' I think of the playing cards, or even heart breakers for that matter.

But Ace doesn't even seem to fit the bill for a heart breaker, he
doesn't like women in general.

I suggest choosing a better-fitting title for the story. It should be catchy and memorable, but also reference the plot of the story.

● Cover:: 2/5

By just looking at the cover, I automatically think that this is going to be a fantasy romance or a dark romance. That's the vibe that I get from your cover. But by reading the story, it's the complete opposite in both aspects. I also find the font on the cover to be quite plain.

It looks like someone took a photo
off of google, and then slapped a text on it. Your cover isn't very eye-catching to
me. I do like the photo used, but I've seen this same photo too many times before.
It's a very common one. Your book can't stand out if it's using a common photo
for the cover.

● Description:: 6/10

There are a lot of tense shifts in the blurb alone. There's also not a steady flow. It looks like you're attempting to be poetic, which is admirable and a good idea, but the way that you've worded everything; it just doesn't fit. It also looks like you rushed it too much, and didn't focus on the wording. There was no
hook for me, and that's important. Your blurb needs to draw readers in, and it just didn't do that.

● Protagonist Usage:: 1/5

You state that Eva is innocent, yet I didn't get that vibe from her at all. If it's important to your story that she appears innocent, then I suggest focusing on that more.

When did you think of 'innocent' what comes to mind? What makes them innocent? To me, she seems like a normal girl. Both of your characters are also very contradicting. They will say-or do-one thing, and then say-or do-the complete opposite afterward.

For example: when Ace tells Ryder
that the only way he will marry is if there's a business arrangement. Well, right after that conversation, he speaks to his father who proposes that he get married to inherit the company. Ace told his father that he would never marry, and then he stormed out. Aside from that, I find Ace and Eva to be very unrealistic and unrelatable. Eva doesn't have a backbone or any self-worth. She allows Ace to talk to her in such a horrible way, yet just stands there and talks about how hot he is.

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