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Book: Always Your Keeper
Author: Sylas-Walden
Reviewer: JackRamires


Title: 5/5
The title, "Always Your Keeper," is certainly interesting. I can't say it was what I expected, but seeing the irony among the characters Regan and Avery truthfully brought it to life and I must say works very well with the story. At first you'd think Regan is Avery's Keeper given as she's the main character but as the story continues on we see that it's the opposite. Since it is on going that can change but so far, I love it.

Cover: 5/5
I absolutely love the way that you were able to make the cover look so clear and professional. This is something I expect to see if I go to the store and hit up the romance section. The placement of the title and models on the book were beautifully done.

Description: 10/10
Not too much, not too little. Beautifully worded enough that the reader would be able to get a clear idea of your story and decide whether or not it is what they are looking for or not. Very good grabbing factor.

Protagonist Usage: 4/5
The book isn't completed but in the published chapters that I've managed to read, Regan is wonderfully portrayed and is easy to become a very loveable character despite her few stubborn ways. Very good.

Plot: 10/10
There are a few books on wattpad with similar plots to this but none have managed to develop it and carry the story like you have. Especially in a lgbt setting. Also the twist with putting a killer in their town, it has grabbed my attention so well and this is a book I'm guaranteed readers won't want to put down.

Flow: 18/20
The book is yet to be completed again but so far I absolutely love the flow and progress. Unlike other books in this setting, the romance between Regan and Avery isn't at all rushed. It is perfectly and beautifully developed from the moment in the camp and to after the shooting incident. I must say I've never read anything like it and I've been hooked here.

Character Development: 9/10
Watching both Regan and Avery grow and develop as characters is certain very exciting and I can't wait to see more. I love that at the beginning Regan can be seen as this headstrong girl who is rude and mean to others but slowly as we get to see her character more we learn she is just a sweetheart who is finding her way in life.

Grammar and Vocals: 14/15
Very well written, I saw very little to no errors when I was reading this book.

Writing Style: 9/10
Very good use of dialogue to prose. The paragraphs are well aligned and not too long or too short. Definitely something that keeps readers attached to your book.

Overall: 5/5
A very well written story with good use of grammar, mechanics and organization. Holds the grabbing factor in cover, plot, description and chapters. I had to try hard to look for errors in your story to offer constructive criticism but still haven't found any worth mentioning. A job very well done.

Personal enjoyment: 5/5
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I can assure you I will be sticking around to see what happens next in this story.


Total marks: 94/100

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