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Author name:  MiniMoxx
Book name: Tethered Destinies
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
Reviewer: Ambergreyson334


Title: 5/5

I love how simplistic, cool and plot-related the title was.

Cover: 5/5

The cover was of great quality, had amazing editing and was also very eye-catching.

Description: 8/10

The description was a bit over-used but it did link very well to the plot and was able to intrigue the reader.

Protagonist usage: 4/5

Even though there are not many chapters, I like the use of the main protagonists within the story and how we get to see how events have an effect on each of them. I also like the use of 3rd person (I usually do not but this book makes it work well).

Plot: 7/10

Since there were not many chapters, I could not get much of a definitive idea of how the plot is supposed to go. However, from what I was able to read, the plot was well thought out, a nice slow-burn love concept and it was very good at keeping the reader (such as myself) intrigued and ready for more.

Flow 20/20

The flow of each chapter was incredible. The writer knew how t use time skips, changes in POVs without having to say that and even showed a great leading up to main points within the story. Fantastic work.

Character development 6/10

Due to there not being many chapters, there was not much character development that I could see. However, from the chapters I read, the characters seemed very interesting, contrasting to one another and all-around very promising roles within the story.

Grammar and vocab: 13/15

I like how there were little to no grammar mistakes, it was proofread and how it had a good range of vocab. however, I would have liked it if they changed some of their simple sentence structures and sed other forms of punctuation to help spice of the writing a bit.

Writing style 8/10

I like the writing style and the use of POVs, however, I would have liked it f the paragraphing in some chapters was not so large and was better broken down so that I didn't have to read huge chunks of writing.

Overall: 4/5

Overall it was a good book that if tweaked a little could go long way and hold great potential.

Personal enjoyment: 3.5/5

I am not a huge fan f the cliche plots and slow-burn tropes, but this book was definitely at the top of my list.


Total marks: 83.5/100

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