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Author name: SongYeEun2500
Book name: They skedaddled
Genre: Romance Fanfiction
Reviewer: bulletproofsonyeodan


Title: 4/5

The title fits well but wasn't very intriguing. Try using a simple and hooking tile.

Cover: 5/5

The cover was beautiful! I love the way it's edited and the coloration, font style is on its top.

Description: 9/10

The description was very well written however it could've been better if it was a bit shortened.

Protagonist usage: 5/5

Very well done.

Plot: 8/10

The plot was interesting however it seems a bit cliché.

Flow: 17/20

The flow of the story was disrupted due to incorrect grammar. Punctuation and tense forms mistakes were found. Try using google docs or Grammarly.

Character development:  9/10

The characters developed well accordingly I excepted them to be. Excellent work.

Grammar and vocals: 12/15

The dialogues had a lot of ellipses making it look a bit shabby and there were a few grammatical errors as well. Try improving your vocabulary since it's important to have a good grip on vocabulary to make the reader feel all the emotions.

Writing style: 8/10

The ellipsis seemed shabby, otherwise great work!

Overall: 4.5/5

Overall, the book is very interesting and well written, good luck!

Personal enjoyment: 4.5/5

I found this book very interesting! I wish you all the best for the future!


Total marks: 86/100

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