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Author name: 99problemstosolve
Book name: Kiara Flames
Genre: Short story/ Fantasy
Reviewer- youngivory06


Π Title: 2/5

Not eye-catching at all.

Π Cover: 3/5

Most readers judge books by their covers and this one didn't have an impressive cover. It was good but basic.

Π Description: 7/10

Felt like it was more of a character overview but then again, the book is about the main character, Kiara. The extract caught my attention and also gave me a taste of what I was to see in the book.

Π Protagonist usage: 4/5

There aren't a lot of chapters and the chapters are quite short but the author did a great job and explained the main character's motives quite well. There's a balance between her and the others, understanding their parts in the story.

Π Plot: 6/10

It's a unique storyline, not common at all. But the author didn't do a great job with developing it, maybe it's cause there aren't many chapters but there were times when I didn't understand what was going on and had to reread it several times to understand it.

Π Flow: 11/20.

The scenes were planned out nicely but were disrupted by grammatical errors. It made me as a reader feel quite frustrated cause I had to reread to understand.

Π Character development: 5/10.

Like I've said, the words weren't a lot so there wasn't enough time for any character development.

Π Grammar and vocab: 8/15

There are a lot of grammatical errors especially concerning punctuation. Full stops and commas are needed at the end of sentences and dialogues.

Π Writing style: 6/10

The descriptions are good but the dialogues are not it. It's difficult to read with all the errors and sometimes, we don't know who's talking to who. Although, the book has good cliffhangers that make you want to know what's going to happen next.

Π Overall: 3/5

The storyline is interesting, it just needs more development and also a lot of editing.

Π Personal enjoyment: 3/5

I enjoyed the plot of the book, but the lack of development and errors made me want to drop the book at times. Apart from that, I liked it.


Total: 58/100

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