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Book:: Break In.
Author::  moonsdarktales
Reviewer:: btsachu


Title: 5/5

The title suits the story and it's catchy and unique. You can interpret the title in various ways as you like and everything matches with the storyline. Excellent choice.

Cover: 2/5

The cover is simple and pretty, but from a reviewer's point of view, it lacks many things. First, the title should be a bit bigger and the tagline/subtitle should be visible too. I almost thought there wasn't the author's name, but then I noticed it when the picture was given in the first chapter. Give a marking like written by 'author's name' so it will be visible. You can either order it from shops or create one by yourself.

Description: 8/10

The blurb is catchy, but try leaving spaces in between the dialogues. Also if possible make it a bit more lengthy and aesthetic. For example,

Life is not always condoning us. It can give you unexpected twists and turns that either give you a lesson to learn or a warning to remember. So what will you do if one day you are told that you only have a limited amount of time to live? Will you live in agony or live to the fullest? It's up to you.

"What will you do, if you have only one year left to live?" The shiny-eyed boy smiled and stared at the stars, replying,

"I'll live my life to the fullest, fulfill all my dreams so there isn't anything to regret when I leave the world."

A story in which a quiet doctor, is engaged to a K-pop idol.

There are a few spelling mistakes, also don't add warnings in the blurb. It's always good to add them inside the introductory part of the book.

Protagonist usage: 5/5

Both the protagonists are used sufficiently and portrayed well enough.

Plot: 8/10

The plot isn't new, but what makes it unique is how the author tried their best to avoid making it too clichè.

Flow: 15/20

It's a bit fast-paced, but the long chapters covered it. It will be good if you take your time to express the situation a bit more clearly and also try to give importance to the side characters too so it will give the readers the idea about what type of importance the protagonists have to them.

Character development:  7/10

It's an ongoing story, but till now the characters are seen changing from their initial stage.

Grammar and vocals: 8/15

There are punctuation and grammar mistakes. For example, ellipses are three dots (...), and using more than that isn't in an English context. Also to show two different scenes just use a bar (___) so it will look clean.

To avoid such incidents proofreading is a must also try using apps like Grammarly or Google docs which help you to improve your language.

Writing style: 6/10

I love how the author is descriptive, but since it's a review I have a few things to point out. Try to portray the emotions a bit more, also use synonymous words which will make it aesthetic, but then again don't use too many of them as it will make readers a bit difficult to understand.

Overall: 2.7/5

It's an interesting book to read, but I can only give this many marks as per the reviews.

Personal enjoyment: 2.4/5

From a reader's point of view, it's enjoyable to read, and to be frank I have read this book before but at that time it only had 6 to 7 chapters. When I got this book to review, I felt like I had read this before, then only I remembered about it. To the author, if you are writing it fits fun then you don't have to change anything, but if you are serious about the book do change the things I mentioned above. I can see the book has the potential to get readers.


Total marks: 69.1/100

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