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We don't give marks for poems, but reviews

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We don't give marks for poems, but reviews. So here is it.

Reviewer : Mitali2203
Poem by : HappierThanEver666


It wasn't a word but a phrase the poet used. Metaphorically, ‘behind closed doors could have many interpretations. It surely interests me because it seems like it is something that the poet would try to hide or something the prey is only behind the doors. Much like the poet of these words is hidden from the world.
For me the title was amazing and I can't tell if it could get any better.


The blurb was a mere collection of the poems inside the book. I think that worked. I got to know what kind of poems the book contains but I would also suggest adding some kind of prose or a play of words in the blurb. Again, it's solely the choice of the poet.


The cover is beautiful. It is simple yet pleasing. The girl sat in between and the wordings above were just something so elegant. Though it is beautiful, it isn't connected to the story. Maybe try finding a trope that would connect to the poems and use them.

Rhyme scheme:

Most of the poems were of free verse. But, at times, in certain verses some rhyming scheme was found (abab, abcbc) It isn't an issue if the rhyming scheme is used or not unless and until it is impactful and meaningful.

Choice of words:
Simple words were used throughout the poems.No fancy words, no carvings of difficult words, and yet, the emotions were delivered. Simplicity has its charms and difficulties and if you correctly used them. I could feel the emotions from within. Still, I think that you can incorporate more complicated and chaos of feelings. (Sorry, I got a little philosophical but I can't calm the soul of a poet, I have)


So please help me

It's about a person who pleads to their loved one to save them. The person is too weak and exhausted to help themselves. So, they seek out the help from others. But, their loved ones can't see their pain, can't hear the cries of their pain. And yet, even after it the poet wishes that their loved one would save them from darkness but they are too wrapped up in the singularity.

What I loved the most of the poem was the filter trope. It's right. We all use filters and show the world only what we want them to see and hide the ugly parts. Simply, heartbreaking.

The trilogy (I'm here,A lost zombie, A story that never got to be)

Now, this is the part of the book I adore with all my heart and soul. The first poem was beautiful but again the concept felt repeated(I am alive/Maybe that's all I am/Alive)

The second poem was vividly imaginative. The last punch line(Oh! Here we go again) was just commendable. A perfect addition to signify the endless wandering into the maze.

The third poem was a heartbreaking poem. The trope of ‘a moment’ was just beautiful—
if we could change the moment forever.


The collection of poems was eye-catching. Though fancy words and a steady rhyming scheme weren't used—it still conveyed the meaning of the words and stirred up the emotions in me. I would suggest using proper punctuation marks along the lines and not using certain words again and again. Play with words, twist and turn the sentences and it would be perfect. I enjoyed reading the poems.

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