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Author name: LPKnits LPKnits
Book name: Gemicide
Genre: x
Reviewer- shimla1210


#Title: 5/5

Matched the book and was the best title I've seen.

#Cover: 4/5

It's beautiful, matches the theme, and the use of colors and lighting was very well done, but it wasn't eye-catching. I'd suggest you make some changes for it to catch the attention easily

#Description(blurb): 5/10

It was a bit too long. If I saw this at the start it wouldn't have reached out to me and it doesn't make me want to just open the book and rush into the chapters, the description is like you telling the book's aura, and by the overall theme keep something magical so the readers can be 'enchanted' by it. For example, adding a conversation that strikes the reader's interest.

#Protagonist usage: 5/5

Best protagonist use I've seen in quite a while, and it's well done, the explanation of character to feelings and thoughts, all were done beautifully.

#Plot: 10/10

Quite an interesting plot with enough twists turns and revelations to make it worth the read, it can be seen that you thought of it well and gave it enough time to develop

#Flow: 18/20

The flow seemed slow at the start and a little bumpy here and there, but it did gain a pace and was nearly perfect by the end. your growth as a writer can be seen.

#Character development: 9/10

All character's growth could be seen and the writing style made the development easy to understand, beautifully portrayed

#Grammar and vocab: 3/5

It was well written, with few mistakes here and there nothing major, but how you have done the spacing and where the dialogues were written made the presentation kind of messy- like one dialogue was in a paragraph while the other was alone in a sentence

#Writing style: 9/10

It's good! Just a bit bumpy because of the flow and errors.

#Overall: 5/5
#Personal enjoyment: 5/5


Total marks: 78/100

Please don't forget to follow the reviewer and vote for the chapter!



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