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Author : Jeon_Jae_
Book name: Preying On The Hunter Genre: fanfic, romance, mystery
Reviewer: -Yoonshooky


Title: 4/5

The title is quite creative and I didn't find any other book with the same title. The title doesn't hold much relevance to the storyline yet but I think it will in the future. The author made a good choice by choosing it as the title as it is eye-catching and sets the book apart from the rest.

Cover: 2/5

The cover is plain. The picture and fonts used are a good choice, but it still seems too simple.

The placement of the title is slightly off-centered so I suggest the author fix that. The author should add their username and a quote to the cover so that it doesn't look so empty

Description: 8/10

The blurb doesn't give too much information about the plot and maintains some mystery, which is quite intriguing. The blurb is short but I wouldn't suggest making it larger because the current one is interesting. The only setback for me was a couple of grammatical mistakes which I will point out in the grammar section.

Protagonist usage: 2/5

There is still a lot of mystery revolving around both the characters. They both are hiding stuff and it's easy to catch on. At first, I was a little surprised by how fast the female lead was opening up to Jungkook but then it was later revealed that she lied to him about wanting to become a chef, so I feel like she could be lying about other stuff as well. Then the only problem was Jungkook being so carefree around her despite being a mafia boss. His behavior was a little odd and it was a little off-setting for me. The protagonists-mostly the female lead- did some stuff that left me frowning. I did think that they maybe have a hidden purpose for that behavior and if that s the case, it's not been revealed yet.

Plot: 7/10

The beginning was really good. The story starts with a mystery which is a great way to catch the reader s attention and make them keep reading. There is still a lot of stuff to be explained and revealed. Some points could be considered cliche but the whole plat itself doesn't feel cliche. The author has done a good job of maintaining the mystery. The biggest plot twist for me was Taehyung killing himself and the story of his brother. And the female lead not telling Jungkook about it made me wonder how that would affect her and what she will do about it. Until now, the plot is quite impressive,

Flow: 16/20

I suggest the author explain the events more deeply and add a divider when they change scenes and not change scenes after just a few lies. Like in chapter three, the chapter starts with Jungkook and after a few lines, it switches over to Mei abruptly. It kind of ruins the flow and it can be confusing. Otherwise, the flow is neat

Character development: 5/10

There isn't any character development yet, but that is expected since the story is still in its premature stage.

I suggest the author go more deeply into the character's thought processes and give more reasoning behind their actions to give a deeper look into their personalities. With that, it'll become easier to understand the characters and sympathize with them. Because right now, the characters seem a little immature for the setting.

Grammar and vocals: 12.5/15

There were minor punctuation mistakes and some sentences which would have been structured better. Other than that the grammar was pretty much fine. I'd just suggest the author experiment a little with literary devices and expand their vocabulary.

• Blurb, original:

Kaji Mel, a Japanese immigrant meets a Korean mafia boss Jeon Jungkook in Manhattan. Then starts the betrayals. What will happen when the story unfolds a shocking truth about one of them?

• Revised:

Kaji Mei, a Japanese immigrant, encounters a Korean mafia boss, Jeon Jungkook, in Manhattan. Then the treacheries start. What will ensue when the story unfolds a shocking truth about one of them?

Writing style: 5/10

I feel like the author should be more descriptive with their writing as it feels like some stuff remained half explained or not well enough explained. At times I couldn't tell what the characters were feeling or thinking. So I think the author should focus more on that. It will also help to give more depth to the plot and the characters.

Overall: 2/5

I suggest the author make the cover more attractive and be a little more descriptive with their writing. Other than that, the book is pretty good.

Personal enjoyment: 2.5/5

I liked the plot, it was entertaining. I just wish the events were explained a little better. I hope the author takes the review positively. All the best for the future chapters!


Total marks 66/100

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