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Book:: Your Devil : A doomed catastrophe.
Author:: Pviscelle
Reviewer:: viekeinz


Title: 5/5

Definitely gives the mysterious vibe and is so unique! Many readers are quite interested in this topic and the name would make them get attracted easily! Loved the idea.

Cover: 3/5

The picture is nice but the font color don't really suit. Also some changes in the font can make it more alluring. The font of the subtexts can also be changed to something else.

Description: 10/10

Damn! The description was so good that I couldn't wait to read it! Definitely something that will make readers curious, the writing is just perfect for the story! 

Protagonist usage: 5/5

I really like the vibe jungkook gives, a mysterious gentleman. He doesn't just go for any women cause he still longs for aera. I really loved this thing about him. I liked everything mentioned about Aera. She isn't any cliche typical girl. The descriptions make me quite curious about her relationship with jungkook and her backstory with Jimin.

Plot: 10/10

The plot is quite interesting and mystical. Those who love dark romance would seriously love the storyline. It has twists at parts which makes it more intriguing.

Flow: 19/20

The flow is just perfect. No hurrying of scenes or no slow burn. Everything happens in sequence which makes it easy to grasp all of it. In fact it feels like a movie where one after one happens.

Character Development: 6/10

From how much I have read I can say that Jungkook is realising how much he loves Aera, or maybe not love but there is a deep connection between them. Also I love how Aera faces reality positively. She tries to leave her past bad times and move on. But she still remembers jungkook and misses him a lot which show her feelings towards him. I don't really notice much development in jungkook's character.

Grammar and Vocals: 15/15

I didn't find a single error anywhere. In fact I am impressed with the wording that the author used for description. She has a very good knowledge of which words to use where. The descriptions she uses to describe the dialogues feel real when I imagine them!

Writing style: 10/10

I have no words to say! I just love the way they mention everything, every word, every description just shows the feelings of the characters so nicely. The writer seems very experienced and greatly talented.

Overall: 5/5

Overall the story was really amazing, starting from the plot to preface to description to the chapters. Everything is perfect.

Personal Enjoyment: 5/5

I don't like these type books as most of them are the same cliche ones but this is just mind-blowing! It's so different and unique! It got me so hooked up that now I can't wait to read more of this. I am a sucker for beautiful and clear descriptions which give you the feelings of the characters! The storyline amused me a lot!


Total marks: 93/100

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