chapter 3: Tangled Web of Relationships

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Jungkook: hey y/n, wake up... hey, are you awake? Hyung, her face looks really pale.

Jungkook sounded really worried when he spoke.

I walked over to her and gently touched her forehead. The moment I did that, my eyes widened in alarm.

Jungkook: Hyung, what's going on?

He asked, clearly confused by my expression.

Taehyung: She has a high fever, I'm really shocked.

That's when Jimin started shaking her, trying to wake her up.

Jimin: Hey, y/n, wake up... come
on, wake up!

Jimin: Girl, listen, wake up! We don't want your brother to think we did anything to you.

Feeling anxious, I bit my lower lip before speaking.

Taehyung: Let's take her to the nurse's office. Jungkook, could you pick her up? I'll inform everyone.

Jungkook then picked her up bridal style, and together, we made our way to the nurse's office with Jimin following closely behind. I quickly dialed Jin hyung's number.

On the call
Jin: Have you found her?

Taehyung: Yes, hyung, but...

Jin: But what?

Taehyung: Hyung, come to the nurse's room. I'll explain everything there.

Jin: Okay, we're on our way.
End call

Ji-hoon's Pov
We were searching for her everywhere, but we couldn't find her. I had a sinking feeling, and even Namjoon's attempts to reassure me with positivity weren't helping. Just when things seemed bleak, Jin received a phone call.

From the look on Jin's face, it was clear that something had happened. He took a deep breath and spoke:

Jin: They found her, but we need to go to the nurse's room.

His words sent shivers down my spine.

Jin: Let's go.

When we arrived, I saw my sister lying unconscious on the bed, with Jungkook sitting by her side. Taehyung and Jimin were deep in conversation with the nurse.

Ji-hoon: What's happening?

I asked, filled with worry.

Jungkook: Hyung, she has a high fever and fainted because of it.

He informed me, then stood up, giving me space to sit beside her. I gently tapped on the blanket covering her.

Ji-hoon: Careless, stubborn girl!

Those were the only words I could muster at that moment. Jin patted my back and passed me a small smile.

Jin reassured me,

Jin: Don't worry, she'll be fine.

Jimin explained,

Jimin: Hyung, she fainted because of a high fever...

Taehyung chimed in,

Taehyung: ...and she hasn't eaten anything since this morning.

They relayed this information to the nurse, and I expressed my gratitude to them. They smiled back at me as Yoongi captured everyone's attention.

Yoongi: I think she's starting to wake up.

I noticed y/n slowly opening her eyes and asked with concern,

Ji-hoon: Are you okay? How are you feeling?

Y/n's pov
I tried to open my eyes but the brightness made me close them again. After a moment, I cautiously opened them again, slowly adjusting to the light. To my surprise, I saw my brother and the members of BTS around me. Confusion filled my mind as I remembered being on the rooftop and then blacking out. I couldn't recall anything beyond that. However, before I could gather my thoughts, my brother bombarded me with relentless questions.

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