Kim family or Dad's killer

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After meeting the professor they all went towards the parking lot.

Ji-hoon: you guys carry on I will drop hana

Hana: no it's fine I can go myself

Ji-hoon: But it's late already

Hana: you know that how mom will react if she sees you. Let it be I don't want you to get in trouble.

Ji-hoon: ah then take my car I will go with kook and y/n.

Hana: just name it on me

She said jokingly as ji-hoon spoke.

Ji-hoon: not bad idea actually

He said as she eyes widened and she spoke.

Hana: no I was just kidding. I have one already. I don't need more.

She said immediately as he chuckled and gave her the keys. She smiled and sat inside the car. She bid everyone bye and left.

Jin: let's go. That girl just gave me headache

He said as jimin chuckled.

*time skip*
They all were having dinner when suddenly y/n's phone rang. She frowned and looked at the id. It was from private number.

Y/n: let me take this

She said and walked away. She went far from their and answered the call.

*on call*
Y/n: hello

???: hello sweetie

Y/n: who is this?

???: why do you want to know who I am? Huh! Don't you think you're forgetting something?

Y/n: just get in point

???: so here we go... do you ever tried to find out how your dear dadda died?

Y/n: what the heck are you talking about!!!

???: calm down dear I guess you never tried.

Y/n: it was clearly declared as an incident then why would I!?

???: don't you think it's weird that suddenly your dear dadda died and no one knows who killed him

Y/n: what are you trying to say?

???: look in to you will find out

*call ended*

She groaned loudly cause of the frustration. She ran towards her room completely forgetting about her dinner. She locked her rooms door and took her laptop. She sat on her study and pulled her hair into messy bun. She searched about the accident took place years ago.

She scroll through the page. She stopped in a particular news and opened it.

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