White lie

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As yoongi oppa yelled I choked very hard and started coughing. Jin oppa helped me drinking water as namjoon oppa patted my back. Soon I calmed, my eyes were teary by now cause of coughing. I looked at others and they also seemed shocked as me.

We all were sitting on silence, no one was saying a word as ji-hoon oppa spoke clearing his throat.

Ji-hoon: I-i guess we should forget it what just yoongi said. Let's eat now.

*time skip*
Yoongi POV
Everyone was in my room as I know why. I accept its my fault but if I didn't said anything she wouldn't trust us after that.

I looked at others as they bursted into laughing except me and hoseok. I thought they would be angry but they were laughing. I looked at them confused as hoseok spoke.

Hoseok: stop laughing you all its embarrassing.

He spoke as they all stopped laughing. I felt guilty cause I said those things which didn't happened. I looked at him and spoke.

Yoongi: hoseok ahh sorry I didn't meant to bu-

Hoseok: I understand hyung and I am not upset with you cause if we wouldn't said anything she wouldn't trust us anymore. But now I am scared that how will she think about me.

Jimin: she won't think anything hyung cause she is different from other girls and I had observed her that she doesn't judge others.

Taehyung: yeah and she knows that how you are so she won't.

Jin: and it's a white lie. Yoongi said that cause if we said the truth maybe she leave us or if we didn't said anything she will not trust us anymore.

Hoseok nodded as namjoon spoke.

Namjoon: I guess we should sleep now as it's late.

We all nodded and they left.

I was walking here and there in ji-hoon oppa's room. What did you do y/n!!!! Why did you had to behave like a stubborn ass now look what happened.

Ji-hoon: y/n will you stop walking. I am feeling dizzy seeing you like this. Just calm down

I stopped and looked at him and spoke.

Y/n: then what should I do tell me!!! I was the one who forced them to tell me the truth. If I didn't said that they lied to me then this won't happen. You know what I did, I fucking invaded someone's privacy and that to be my brother. And you are telling me to calm down. Now what hoseok oppa would be thinking about me huh. Ughhh I decided I am leaving

Ji-hoon: huh where are you going?

Y/n: don't know but I am not staying here. I can't even face him, it's freaking embarrassing.

He stood up and came towards me and put his hand on my shoulder as he spoke.

Ji-hoon: it's alright okay and more over this isn't the first time you're feeling like this.

I looked at him confused as he spoke.

Ji-hoon: yahh you forgot. Don't you remember

I shaked my head as no and he sighed.

Ji-hoon: when you were 15 and we went to uncle and aunts home suddenly. As the maid opened the door and we went inside you rushed to their room as you were finding them. You opened the door and screamed on top of your lungs cause they were making out that time.

(A/n: this is based on true story😅)

My eyes widened and got even more embarrassed. My cheeks were red by remembering that moment. I looked at him and saw him trying to control his laugh. I pushed him as he started laughing hard.

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