Who are they???

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Jungkook: what are you doing?!

He said yanking your hand as you closed the door.

Y/n: what's wrong with you? Why are you behaving like an ass?

Jungkook: you mean if I care for you that means i am behaving like an ass right!

You look at him and sighed.

Y/n: jungkook let's sort it out. I don't want you to spoil your mood

Jungkook: then stay by my side y/n... I know you're hesitating to accept that you didn't like the crowd. If hyung is busy talking with other's then you can sit with me right?

Y/n: umm... Alright

You said and he smiled. He held your hand.

Jungkook: sorry for whatever I said

Y/n: it's alright I am at mistake too.

Jungkook: then lets go out with me, my love

He said which made you smile and you held his hand. You both walked out and the scene made you shock.

Couples were dancing in couple songs in which your mom and dad were dancing too. You and Jungkook went towards your brothers and stood.

Yoongi: everything fine?

He whispered as you nodded. Taehyung came towards you and spoke.

Taehyung: did you guys fought?

Jungkook shook his head as you look at him confused.

Taehyung: then dance na!!!! Go look everyone is dancing right?

He said and pushed you both forgetting that your parents are here too, jungkook pulled you by your waist and you wrapped your hands around his neck.

You both were in your own world. Forgetting that people are around you.

Suddenly the song stopped making you and jungkook come out of the moment

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Suddenly the song stopped making you and jungkook come out of the moment.

His eyes met with his father's who was staring at you and him confused.

Mrs Kim: Jun tae, let's talk inside.

She said and he went inside after nodding. You mom gave you assuring smile and you, jungkook and others followed her.

Before entering inside the house Ji-hoon stopped you.

Ji-hoon: just tell them the truth and everything gonna be fine.

Y/n: what if....

Ji-hoon: don't overthink. They will only throw you out or starve you right? Don't worry the offer is still open for you. Gonna buy you an apartment and can give you one egg from mine as I eat two

Y/n: such a rascal you're. Instead of supporting, you're discouraging me woahhh I wish no one gets a brother like you!

You said and went inside before kicking him in his legs as he winced in pain laughing.

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