She knows??

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He yelled at the guards who were strictly order to not let you out alone and to stop you from going anywhere but they failed miserably.

It's 8 am now. They all were looking for you since 7, when jungkook went to call you but you weren't their. They tried to ask ji-hoon about your where about but Hana told them that he is in an important meeting so he doesn't know nor you went to the office.

Jin: I will kill you all if my sister will be in trouble!

Jungkook: did anyone asked her friends?

Jimin: I did and rose denied.

Suga: what about her location jhope!?

Jhope: I can't find her location. It's not accessing GODDAMIT!

He yelled in frustration.

Suga: V! What about you? Any clue?

He asked running his hand on his hair cause of frustration.

V: hyung I ordered all my men to search her by the bike number but they can't cause it was also covered.

RM: FUCK IT! Their were more than 50 guards outside still no one saw her like how the fuck she left!

He yelled.

Jungkook: their is way..... I mean we kept guards outside where her room was right.... But what if she left by someone else?

Suga: it's impossible

Jungkook: it is possible if she left by mom-dad's room or..... Ji-hoon hyu-

Guard: sir sorry to interrupt you but Ms y/n is back

Hearing him they all turned and saw you coming inside.

(A/n: Ignore the clothes)

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(A/n: Ignore the clothes)

You were having blood stains on your clothes and their were few guards carrying a man, almost dragging him inside making the floor stain with his blood. God knows who it was and why he is in that condition.

But right now their first priority was you. They look at you and your eyes were blood shot red. It's like you cried a while ago.

Jin: y/n where were you? Why was your phone off? Yahh are you even listening!!

Y/n: take him to my room and keep him inside the washroom.

You ordered the guards ignoring jin. They nodded and dragged that guy. You were about to go when jin stopped you by standing in front of you.

Jin: I asked you something!

Y/n: let me go I got stuff to deal with

You said looking other side making him angry

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