Angry With Tae

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Taehyung POV
After doing my morning routine I went downstairs as I was hungry. I opened the cabinet but there wasn't anything. I started thinking what to do. But suddenly the main gate of mansion opened. I went to look who is it and it was non other then y/n. She had some bags in her right hand and a coffee cup in other. I went towards her and asked.

Tae: where did you Go?? And what's all these??

She looked at me sipping the coffee from straw.

Y/n: oh your awake

I nodded and she started going towards kitchen and put the bags on counter.

Y/n: such a big ass mansion but nothing to eat.

Tae: the maids are in a leave for 2 days so I forgot to buy grocery.

Y/n: so you buy grocery

I nodded.

Y/n: so give me 65,112 won

My eyes widen as she said to me.

Tae: why will I give you??

Y/n: becuz I brought the groceries so I want my money back

Tae: yahh you are also rich how can you ask your brother for money

Y/n: you ain't poor too just stop irritating me just give me my money back.

Tae: I won't

Y/n: how stingy, your brother can give his bike to me but you can't even give me 65,112 won

Tae: becuz he's jungkook and I am Taehyung.

Y/n: forget it I know how to get my money from you.

As she said and opened her coffee cup and drank all of it and ran upstairs. I chuckled seeing her behaviour.

I walked towards hoseok oppa's  room. I knocked but got no answer. The door was already opened so I entered. I saw he was still sleeping. I started shaking him and he finally woke up.

Hoseok: what is it y/niee

He asked in a sleepy tone.

Y/n: tae isn't giving me my money back

Hoseok: huh money

Y/n: yeah I buyed groceries but he isn't giving my money. Tell him to give me my money back.

Hoseok: do one think opened the drawer and my card was there take it.

Y/n: nooooo I want cash from him only. And if ain't telling him then fine I will ask other oppa's.

Hoseok: fine I will help you. Give me 10 min I will just fresh up okay

I nodded and he went to washroom. After 10-15 min he came outside and we went downstairs.

As they both came downstairs they saw Taehyung eating snacks which y/n brought sitting in the couch. Hoseok went towards him and Taehyung look at him.

Hoseok: yahh aren't you ashamed not giving money to your sister

Taehyung: she isn't ashamed too asking money from me. Why does she needs it. I mean we live in the same house right.

Y/n: why does it even matter if we live under one roof?? I want my money back cause that's mine and you alien first give me my money back.

Taehyung: yahh I am not alien

Y/n: yes you are and not even alien you are also a dumb

Taehyung: yahh y/n i dare you too call me that once more

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