Jealously strikes

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As you all reached jimin and taehyung stepped out of the car and before you step out you heard girls screaming their names. You rolled your eyes being annoyed and stepped out. Everyone went silent seeing you and started gossiping.

Jimin: y/n-

Before he could complete you walked away.

Taehyung: where did she go in so much hurry?

Jimin: maybe to look for kook

Taehyung: is he coming?

Jimin: yeah he told me, I called him this morning

Taehyung: but didn't she broke the rule number 1

Jimin: yeah but if something is making her happy then their is nothing wrong

Taehyung hummed and they all started going inside.

I was too annoyed by hearing their gossip and I want to see jk too. I walked away from there and started searching for jk. I didn't found him and at last I saw the time and realised my class is going to start.

I went to my class and the scene was really unexpected. There he is taking pictures with girls like a celebrity and I was searching for him like a fool.

He was looking handsome but still how dare he!!! If he doesn't like me anymore then he can say on my face but moving out and taking pictures with other girls is just making me angry

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He was looking handsome but still how dare he!!! If he doesn't like me anymore then he can say on my face but moving out and taking pictures with other girls is just making me angry. I just controlled my anger and sat a few seats far from him.

Jungkook POV
I was sitting and I was thinking how to give y/n those fruits as at morning mom told me that she didn't had anything so I brought fruit salad for her. Suddenly some girls came to me, I immediately put that box in my bag and they asked me for a pic. I was going to say no when an evil idea popped up.

If y/n still love me then she will get jealousy seeing me taking pics with others hahahaha. I thought and smirked.

I told them to wait. I pulled my phone out and started seeing the CCTV. I saw y/n was coming this way. I smirked and told them yes. They were taking selcas with me when I felt two eyes on me. I peeked a bit and it was y/n. I can see anger in her eyes and she was glaring at those girl wait- not those girls she was glaring at me. But why me??!!

She went towards a sit which was bit far from me and sat. Soon the professor entered and those girls went towards their seat. The class was going when I heard.

???: what's her name?

???: oh she, she is y/n

???: she is hot through!!

My blood started boiling when I heard it.

???: yahh don't even think about it. Now she is sister of bts

???: so what!! Just wait and watch how I will make her mine

As I heard him my grip tightened on pen which I was holding with my both of my hands and it eventually broke with sound which was enough for everyone to look at me.

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