mom and dad

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Jade: I punished her

???: YOU DID WHAT!!??

We all turned and saw mom? She came towards us as we went towards jade. She bowed to her and spoke.

Jade: aunt you're here I thought you were overseas with Mr Kim.

Mrs kim: yeah I was and I came back to surprise you all but got instead

Jin: mom you know her

Mrs kim: yeah she is y/n's friend. She came to meet her many times but then suddenly left overseas

She said glaring at her and jade just giggled and side hugged her.

Jade: aunt you know that i love to travel and moreover I had work so I left

Mrs Kim: but you're looking thin

Jade: no I am still like before.

Mrs Kim: okay but what punishment you were talking about

Jin: mom its-

Jade: yesterday she just stepped on broken glass and her legs got hurt and she even having headache. So I punished her for being careless.

Mrs kim: aish that girl

She was about to go when I stopped her and asked.

Jin: mom where is dad?

Mrs kim: he went to office for some work. First tell me where are others?

Hoseok: jimin and kook went out for a walk. And others must be in their room.

Mrs kim: i will see y/n

She said and left. As she left jade spoke.

Jade: tell everyone that aunt is here and don't let her know what happened yesterday or about y/n being angry on you all

She said and I nodded before going to others with hoseok.

I finally completed writing. I was about to grab my phone when the door bursted open revealing mom.

Y/n: m-mom

She came close to me and hugged me. I hugged her back.

Mrs kim: I missed you so much

Y/n: I missed you too mom and why didn't you informed me I would have come to pick you.

She broke the hug and smacked my head.

Mrs kim: are you mad you would have came with your injured leg.

Y/n: h-how do you know?

Mrs kim: why don't you watch before stepping on something and why didn't you wore slippers or shoes.

She doesn't know yet. Someone lied to her it's better then telling her the truth and I don't wanna spoil her mood either, I thought.

As she sat next to me and started checking my feet.

Y/n: it's alright mom.

Mrs kim: why did you apply anything or bandaged it?

Y/n: it got wet when I took shower so I took it off.

Someone knocked the door and open it and it was jade unnie. She smiled seeing us and closed the door, coming towards us with a plate.

She kept it in front of me and it was pancake.

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