How was the coffee?!

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Jade: I need to go back to Korea as soon as possible.....

A/n Pov
Jennie knocked your room door as you opened it and saw her standing with a glass.

Y/n: what?!

Jennie: I thought you must be thirsty so I brought cold water for you

She said with a smile. You looked at her for a moment and spoke.

Y/n: thanks

You said and took it from her and drank it. You handed her the glass back. You frowned and spoke.

Y/n: did you guys found anything?

Jennie: no we are still looking into it

Y/n: hmm get into work and yeah tomorrow I will go to look into late Mrs kim's details so don't bother if you don't see me around.

You said and went inside your room and closed the door. Jennie stood their for a while, after 5-6 minutes lisa came upstairs with keys.

Lisa: are you sure she fell asleep?

Jennie: let's try

She said as lisa inserted the key and the door opened. As the door opened they saw the room empty.

Lisa: where is she?

Jennie: I don't know

Lisa: don't tell me she went-

She stopped as they both looked towards the washroom door. They both rushed their and jennie opened the door.

Their mouth hinged opened when they saw you lying on the floor.

Jennie immediately bend down and patted your cheeks.

Lisa: is she alive?

Jennie: why are acting so weird today ofcourse she is alive. I just added added sleeping pills as jisso unnie said.

Jennie: lets make her lay on the bed. She needs rest

Lisa: okay

She said and helped jennie to carry you to the bed. Lisa covered you with blanket and heard ring. She looked at the side and saw your phone ringing. She grabbed it and saw the id.

Lisa: its jungkook

Jennie: answer it or he will come over here.

Lisa nodded.

*on call*
Jungkook: y/n where are you? I have been waiting for you! Its already 3 hours and you said you will be back soon! And you were not even answering my calls. Whats wrong!?

Lisa: umm jungkook I am lisa.

Jungkook: why are you having her phone and where the fuck is she!?

Lisa: umm jungkook calm down its just she was working and fall asleep unknowingly

Jungkook: are you sure? She is fine right?

Lisa: yeah she is, don't worry. As she wakes up i'll inform her to call you

Jungkook: okay. Take care of her.

Lisa: yeah

*call ended*

Jennie: everything fine

Lisa nodded. They turned the lights off and left.

Meanwhile, bts and ji-hoon were sitting on the meeting room as they were looking at jungkook who just cutted the call.

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