The truth

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Ji-hoon's eyes widened as he spoke.

Ji-hoon: hyun

Their eyes widened hearing him while Ji-hoon held jhope's phone tightly. He was beyond shocked to know that this fucker was still alive cause after what he did to you he doesn't have right to live.

But the question was how? As he knew that you hated him so much.

You were disgusted by him.

Suga angrily fisted his hands. He wanted to kill that person by his own hands when he heard what he did to you but why didn't you kill him yet.

Suga Pov
I don't know why did she let him live till now but he had no right. I will kill him with my own hands.

I left the room as I made my way towards basements.


I yelled as they opened the door with their trembling hands. I went inside and saw him.

He was tied in chair while his head was hung low, blood dripping down his mouth.

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His whole body had cuts and old burn marks

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His whole body had cuts and old burn marks. As if she literally tortured him everyday.

It must ne difficult for her to see him, to see someone who made her feel hell on earth.

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